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chapter twenty-six ; solve case scenario

[ author's note: guys, i'm back to back and back, just back

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[ author's note: guys, i'm back to back and back, just back. let's all pretend oshi no ko's manga chapters 160 onwards don't exist, okay? this a mutual understanding guys. ]

sharp breaths from y/n could be heard as she was running her way to the office. her hand was her phone to see about the scandal about kana making her worried. as she was nearing the office, she then saw aqua from outside made her approach him, and quickly said, "oh, geez. i'm so-"

y/n was cut off by aqua hugging her before continuing her comment, "sorry."

she felt guilty as her hand slowly rose to hug him back and muttered another small sorry.

"i was so worried."

it was like a whisper into the air but y/n heard it loud and clear like looking at a full glass of water making her feel more guilty about it.

"i know. sorry." she said, muttering another apology to him as he slowly loosened his hug to her and let go making her do the same, "let's just talk later, okay? i'm also worried about kana, is it okay?"

on how much aqua wanted to talk to her, ask so badly where she had been. he also respects her decision. as the two got inside the office, she quickly also received a hug from the group and an earful sermon from miyako. other than that, she was filled up with information on what was happening and on her side, of course, a lie saying that she visited someone- somewhat also not a lie at all.

"what's your plan about it, aqua?" y/n asked as they were sitting outside, her back resting at his as she was busy stargazing on her own. ruby just got inside having a conversation alone with her brother so it's her time to annoy him and tell him her whereabouts.

there was a short silence that overwhelmed them as he answered, "barter."


"mhm, exchanging one scandal with another."

y/n snapped her head to look at him, her thoughts running, is it this scene where he'll reveal everything?

"what do you mean?" she asked as if she didn't know a thing about it at all. he sighed and look at her, "y/n, i'd be revealing that ai had secret children before she died."

"why? do you think it's the best option?"

"for me, yes."

"what if ruby got mad at you?"

"i can manage."

"no-" y/n tried to disagree and suggested, "what if i revealed mine instead so no-"

"no!" aqua said sternly making y/n quickly shut her mouth, it was the first time he saw aqua with that expression as long as with that tone. "anything, but that, y/n."

aqua's expression then softened as he saw her reaction, his hand patted her head as it slowly combed down and tucked her hair behind her ear, "sorry. i didn't mean to raise my voice. but still, my decision is final, okay?"

y/n couldn't say anything but just nod, she couldn't do anything if aqua's being like that, she then cleared her throat, "uhm, i kind of got a connection about my dad."

"he was once in a mental hospital and recently got released, i tried to know something why he had been in there but i think the details or information is too private to even share."

"his name is...shiro kaimi."

the night flowed too fast as aqua walked her home, she was holding onto his sleeve as they were walking on the sidewalks. it was too quiet to even explain but she likes the silence with him of course, on the other hand. she's too tired.

"we're here."

y/n's thoughts snapped as she looked forward she was indeed in her house she let go of him and nodded, "thanks."

aqua gave her a small smile as he leaned to give her a quick kiss on the cheeks, "goodbye and goodnight, y/n."

this always gets her she slightly blushed a bit, her hand laying on the top of her cheek as she watched him walk away from her house.

weeks passed, y/n could be found staring at the ceiling after seeing the official news on her phone. this made her sigh heavily and covered her face with her hands and sat down, "you saved her, you happy now? aqua?"

y/n's thoughts snapped as she heard her phone buzzing, seeing kana's name on her screen that was calling her. she stared for it for a while before finally answering it, "hello?"

"y/n? are you busy?"

"no, i am not."

the two were silent for a while before kana spoke again on the other line, "how should i thank, aqua?"

y/n couldn't help but giggle a bit, kana was such a cinnamon roll but too high on her ego but she did love her being like that.

"h-hey!" kana on the other line scolded with the little giggle the girl let escape.

"hmm, just be you, kana. no need to worry about it."

the two exchanged small banters for a while but in the end, kana ended up thanking her for her advice making y/n sigh as the call ended, she then lay on her bed again looking at the phone, showing 1 hour of call from kana.

the two exchanged small banters for a while but in the end, kana ended up thanking her for her advice making y/n sigh as the call ended, she then lay on her bed again looking at the phone, showing 1 hour of call from kana

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twenty-six ; solve case scenario - end.
★ | to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2024 ⏰

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