Chapter 13: 10 Years later

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Nobodies POV-

It's been 10 years since Barry left Kara and they were both still feeling the effects of it. Kara has been easier to anger with only Alex being able to calm her down. Kara was a shell of her former self and that was something Alex swore to make Barry pay for but she doesn't know that Barry is already paying...

Over with Barry we see him meditating going over all of his mistakes in his life with him seeing him leaving Kara 10 years ago. As much as he would tell himself that he did it for her so she can have someone better than him that can give her what she wanted and what she needed amd wasn't broken like him he knew it wasn't the whole reason. The rest of the reason was that he was truly shaken from his dream about his mother. He has had dreams like that before and they never turned out good for anyone so he decided to protect Kara and the Danvers from any pain that this dream could cause.

Barry has kept track of Kara throughout the years and it pains him to know what him leaving has done to the love of his life and he will never forgive himself for that but he feels something coming something big maybe even for him. So he has been training honing his skills and his power with it increasing exponentially.

He refused to have any interaction with any one that knew the Danvers or Clark in fear of them telling them about him. Barry has been leaving in total isolation for the past 10 years in the mountains and he hunted for his food.

He knows the time for him to see Kara again was coming soon and he hoped that it will be a happy reunion but he also knows that if she tries to harm him he will sit there and take it knowing that is what he deserves and if she wanted he will leave for good no matter how much it will pain him.

Kara's POV-

Kara ever since Barry left held onto the note that he left. One of the only reminders she has left of him with some pictures on her phone. She wants to hate Barry for what he did but she knew the worst she can muster is being mad at him and that is because of her love for him is keeping her from hating him. Barry has had this effect on her for the longest time and she loved it but thinking about it brought her back to the heartbreak he left her with. When she sees Barry again and she knows that she will she is never leaving his side again especially when he is hurt...

Kara was snapped out of her thoughts when Alex came up to her. (Her and Alex share an apartment.)

"Hey Kara" Alex started, " You can't keep thinking about him you know even with what he did he still loves you and wouldn't want you to do this to yourself."

" I know Alex but Barry no matter what he did or does is the love of my life and I can never forget him and if I can't forget him I can't stop thinking about him and thinking about him brings me back happier times but also brings me pain. I don't know what to do Alex." Kara said crying.

" Kara there is nothing I can do or say to make that go away and the only one that could is Barry but we don't know if Barry is even still alive no one has heard of him or seen him in 10 years and Clark has even searched all around the world for him." Alex said.

" I know he is alive Alex because for one we both know if Barry doesn't want to be found he won't be and two I know he is alive because I can still feel my connection with him even if its just faint. No matter what Alex I'll wait for Barry and when I see him again I'm gonna beat some sense into him." Kara said.

"Okay Kara and I'll join you in beating some sense into Barry but we can't tell if and when Barry will be back. I just don't want you to be in pain forever Kara." Alex said. With that said Alex got up and left the room.

"I know and Barry wouldn't leave me in pain forver Alex. I just know it." Kara whispered the last part while looking at the stars like her and Barry used to do.

6 months later

It's been 5 months since Kara has came out as Supergirl and started working with the DEO. She became Supergirl when she save Alex from a plane crash (season 1). That is also when she found out that Alex was working for the DEO which put a strain on her relationship with Alex but they repaired things after Alex told Kara here reasoning.


Kara was currently on the ground with a giant alien standing over her about to lay the finishing blow to her when it was blasted back by black lighting.

Kara was disoriented at first but when her vision cleared she saw a figure clad in black ( A black version of godspeed suit but with swords on the back and assasian creed style knives on the arms). The figure was standing over the down alien and slowly turned to her.

" It's been a while Supergirl hasn't it." The figure said.

It was a voice she wouldn't forget ever in her life...


With that this chapter is done. Sorry it took me a very long time to post this I have been busy doing 4 years of school in 2 and my schedule was busy between that and work I just didn't have the time to post. I'm done with that rn so I will try to post more. I hope you all have a fantastic day comment down below for with any ideas you want me to do with this (no harem) And I DO NOT OWN THE FLASH OR SUPERGIRL THAT HONOR GOES TO CW AND DC.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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