Chapter 5: Truth

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Kara pov...
When I saw the body I was holding was Barry I panicked. He was hurt bad using my x-Ray a I gasped he had so many broken bones and was bleeding everywhere. I didn't know what to do so I took him to my house.(by the way the Danvers live out in the middle of nowhere) When I got there I yelled for help. Eliza and Alex came running in and saw Barry in my arms. They asked me what happen I said I don't know I just heard a explosion and then I saw Barry falling  from the sky. I put him on the table and that's when his body did something that shocked us all. It was vibrating so fast when it was done he was fully healed. That's when he woke up still in a daze from what ever happened. "BARRY CALM DOWN!!!!" I yelled. He did and then I said he better start explaining...
Barry's pov...
When I woke up I didn't know where I was at first still in a daze from fighting doomsday. When I heard Kara's voice I calmed down a bit. Then she told me I better explain.
I sighed.
(Kara,Barry, Alex,Eliza)
What do you want to know?
First what the happened to you?
I fought the only thing that can kill me it's called Doomsday.
Are you okay how did you heal.
Yeah I am and for how I healed I vibrated my body and reconnected my cells and atoms.
Enough with the chit chat what are you and where do you come from?
What mom we all want to know.
I sighed
Guess it's time for my backstory huh just promise me you will let me finish before you say anything.
They all agreed.
As you can guess my real name isn't Barry Allen it's Zuruko and I come from a planet called torton. It was full of war I was a general for five years. I was trained how to fight how to kill has soon as I was born. I killed 500,000 people on the battlefield. When I turned five I found out the real reason why my planet was always at war they were stealing life from planets cores and destroyed them. They created some things to kill me but I killed them.
When I was ten I knew I wasn't going to win if I kept going like that. So I came up with a plan to plant a bomb on the planets core. So I made my way to it and my family was waiting for me.  They tried to turn me back but I said no. So we fought I ended up killing them and went on with my plan. It was successful I got sucked up in a blackhole. I spent the next 34,000,000 million years in it never aging never dieing reliving the worst moments in my life. When I got out I crashed here and met the Allen's good people spent the next year with them before they were killed by a men in yellow and surrounded by red lighting. I went from foster home to foster home all abusive until I was 15 and left everything pretty easy when I had nothing. My powers didn't develop until I was 15 so now I live at my house alone. Alex sorry for being cold and heartless it was all I ever new I was taught to hide and never express my emotions and I guess I thought that was true.
Why didn't you tell me your a alien?
When we first met didn't know if I could trust you. After that I was to ashamed of everything I did and thought you would think of me has a murderer.
How many people did you kill?
500,000 people before I found out 600,000 after that and if you count the bomb 40,000,000,000.
So you killed to protect.
Yes. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me.
Barry I am a alien I from kyrpton
I understand why you did what you did and I still want to be your girlfriend.
Thank you
Barry did you say you lived by yourself?
Why don't you come live here?
Live here with Kara and us we promise we aren't like the other home you went to.
I will if they want me to
Yes I want you here.
You make my sister happy so I want you here but if you hurt her...
Let me stop you there Alex first I don't plan on ever hurting Kara I would rather die. And second I am the most powerful being in the multiverse.
Don't ask it will just give you a headache.
Have you traveled it the multiverse.
What did you do there
I helped Barry's and Kara's find eachother.
What you did why.
In any universe where you and me are straight we are destined I know every thing that will happen and won't happen.
Woah so you can do anything?
Except change death that is a fix point in the timeline
Time travel is possible.
Don't ask it's confusing.

Third person pov...
They all laughed and this was a start of something new of something great.

(Yo guys what you think plz comment below on what you think and if you got any ideas peace)

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