Gone Without a Trace

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The next day

Barry slowly opened his eyes with his head pulsing in pain. He slowly sat up from the bed looking around wondering what happened.

"Where am I?" Barry asked

" Inside your head." Said a voice

Barry's eye widen when he heard that voice. It belonged to someone who should be dead.

His mother.

Barry got into a defensive position about to attack her.

"Relax Barry I'm not actually here I'm just in you head I'm not real." His mother said

Barry relaxed a bit but didn't drop his gaurd knowing what she was capable of.

" Well then why are you here Lyra?" Barry asked his mother or who he thought was his mother.

" I'm here to tell you your one and only fear is going to come to pass." Lyra said.

" What are you talking about?" Barry asked very suspicous of what she was going to say.

" I'm talking about Kara." Lyra said

" What about her?' Barry asked although he had a feeling of what she was going to say.

" I'm talking about her leaving you for beating the living hell out of her cousin." Lyra said.

" Kara will understand why I did that, she knows about my reflexes and how I sometimes I can't  control them. Especially when someone attcks me." Barry said.

" Oh she won't she'll leave you just like everyone else you cared about she will rip out your heart and show it to you." Lyra said


" Oh but I do." Lyra smirked knowing she got under his skin and messed with his doubts.

" Oh and what is it that you know about her?" Barry asked ready to kill his mother again.

" I know when the time is right that she along with everyone else you care for will betray you for your own gain." Lyra said smugly.

" I'm going to kill you." Barry growled and started to gather lightning.

" Oh save your energy after all I'm just your subconscious." Lyra said and then disappeared.

Barry sat there in his own thoughts

Do I really believe that? Barry was worried because if he actually thought that then he will never truly be happy with Kara and he isn't happy with her he'll end up making her miserable. He doesn't know what to do at this point but he is thinking of solutions.

The real world

" Has he still not woken up yet?" asled Alex

" No he hasn't, I'm worried Alex." said Kara who hasn't move from his side.

" About what Kara." Alex asked.

" Everything, Barry still hasn't woken up yet and he is usally up in like a minute or two of these things happening." Kara said.

" I know but Barry is strong he'll figure something out and besides even if he doesn't have a plan Barry is the strongest person I know he'll survive." Alex said

" I know I just can't help but worry over him you know?" Kara asked/said

" Yeah I know you two are each others worlds." Alex said.

" It's because we can relate to one another we both went through something similar. While my experience wasn't as bad has Barry's." Kara said.

" Yeah I know I don't think anyone went through as much as him." Alex said. (In their universe from what I know of).

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