Chapter 2: First day

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   Kara's veiew;
   Today was my first day of human school I am nervous. Alex walked off as soon as we got into the school. Other kids justed ingored me because they think I am weird. When I got to the lunchroom I didn't see Alex but I did see a cute boy with scars on his face.
   Having no where else to sit I walked over. I could hear other kids saying I was going to get beat up. I didn't know what they meant so I kept walking. When I got close to him he looked up and smiled so I started talking to him.

    "Hi I'm Kara Danvers." I said with a smile .
     "Barry Allen nice to meet you."
      " Can I sit down?" He looked surprised when I asked him that. He took a minute before he answered.
   " Sure so are you new here." He asked
   " Yeah I am I moved here after my family died in a fire" I lied he didn't seem to notice. What came out of his mouth shocked me.
   " I am sorry to here that my parents were killed when I was 10 so I know how you feel." He said with a sad smile. I didn't know what else to say so he spoke first.
   "So since your new hear I am guessing you don't have any friends?" He asked.
  "No" I said with a sad smile.
   "Well how bout we be friends then." I was shocked he wanted to be friends with me with me. I got a smile that was so wide and answered.
    "Yeah I would love that" I said his smile got bigger. I asked him a question that I immediately regretted.
   " If you don't mind me asking how did you get your scar and get blind in one eye."I put my hand over my mouth and tried to apologise but he waved it off before he answered.
   " No it's find I won't go into details but let me just say that my birth family weren't very kind". I was shocked to say the least I asked him another question that had me confused.
"On my way over here I heard people say I was going to get beat up what did they mean?"
" When I first got here I saw some kids getting picked on so I beat up the guys that did it and now everyone is afraid of me." I was about to say something but the bell rang signaling it was time to go home.
" I have to go it was nice meeting you"
"You to see you tomorrow" I waved bye he did to.
It started to rain after about 10 minutes of waiting for Alex. I muttered "where are you Alex" That's when a car honked at me I jumped scared when I turned I saw Barry there in his car he asked me if I wanted a ride I said yes. When we got to my house I thanked him he said it was nothing. Me and him stared at each other we were leaning into eachother we kissed. When I realized what I did I pulled away apologizing but before I could he kissed me again. I was shocked. He then pulled away said he knew he just met me but he developed a crush on me like I did him. I was so happy I kissed him again he then asked me out on a date this Friday I said yes.
   I got out of the car and waved good bye. When I got in the house I was getting apologized from Alex for not picking me up. I waved it off saying thanks to her I got a date Friday she was shocked but soon smiled and hugged me. She asked who I told her she didn't know what to say she knew Barry as cold and heartless but he asked her sister out on a date.

So next chapter is the date give me some ideas for it and I will try and do them. I also forgot Kara is 15 in this and I forgot what age Alex was so I made her 16. She and Kara also got along right away. If your thinking why didn't Alex pick up Kara from school is because Alex is still getting used to having a sister since she arrived 5 months ago. They won't meet any of their friends until after the date not sure when but yeah. If your also wondering why I did bold letters for half the story and regular for the other half is because I couldn't figure it out how to get back to regular letters so again plz comment on how this story is so far because I REALLY want to know. Until next time peace

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