Chapter 9: May I have this dance

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Barry's pov...

Barry was looking around he saw lots of people there. He was a little bit nervous he had never danced before and is worrying Kara will leave him.(jeez wonder if the same thought is going through Kara's head)
He would make sure Kara had the time of her life even if he has to do what he hated the most... Singing.
Kara loved to sing so why not do it to make her happy and to show her and everyone how much he loves her. He was very nervous to do it because he had never sang before. His old self would laugh in his face the most powerful being in the multiverse and he is nervous to sing in front of people.
Kara's pov...
Kara was nervous she had never been to a dance before and she is scared she will make a fool out of her self(:| really?) Kara has never been more nervous in her life mainly because if her plans for after the prom(*wink wink* sorry females *nervous laugh* plz don't hurt me!!) She just hopes he likes them. (A thousand years starts to play.) Barry walks up to her and asks.
"May I have this dance miss danvers"
" Why of course Mr allen"
( I will not play the song cause I don't know it if u don't either look it up)
They slow danced until the song ends. Barry told her he will be right back.
Wonder where he is going. Kara thinks.
Just then tell lights turned off and a spotlight shined on Kara. She looked around confuse until Barry walks up to her with a microphone in hand...
Third person pov...
Barry walked up to Kara and said
Kara Danvers I love you and to show you that I do I am going to do the thing I hate the most and sing.
Next is song I am thinking about as I go so sorry if it ain't good.
Slow music started to play
Before I met you I was in a dark place Barry sang I was ready to give up on life but you saved me with that beautiful smile that lights up the room when you enter it.( I am (not sure if anything in this is copyrighted or not so if it is I am sorry I am just writing anything that pops in my head.)
You saved mmeeeeeeee from a daaaarrrrkkkk plllllaaaccee
You helped me when I needed it you helped me get over my pain you got me to trust again and for that I say thank yooouuu. I love you with everything I am made of. You gave me new people to call a family you are the best girlfriend that anyone can ask for. You are the best thing that happened to me.
By the end if the song no one had dry eyes everyone is crying (I know it sucked but I did my best) kara ran up and kissed Barry passionately. After they seaparated Kara asked
"I never heard that song before who sang it" she asked wanting to know who sang that song
" I did everything I sang was what you did for me Kara Danvers" Barry said Kara was crying tears of joy. She than hugged Barry and whispered "that was beautiful thank you now it's my turn to surprise you" she said much to Barry's confusion
"Come on Barry we are going to a hotel" she said Barry than became really nervous oh boy tonight is going to be a long night he thought he had no idea how right he was.

Yo chapter 9 is done sorry for not publishing anything I had a lot of things to deal with first my mom had surgery had to take care of her than her dog died than I had to work where I am staying at and take care of my dog so I might not be able to publish for a bit I am sorry but I will try to do it soon I am so sorry. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FROM THE CW OR DC UNIVERSE
I am also going to post a new Naruto and hinata fanfiction so plz comment on what u think of that so bye and have a great time.

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