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"ARE YOU KIDDING US?!" Y/N, YOU can't keep that attitude of yours! We've already received other complaints from other parents in town because of you!"

There you are, sitting in the living room and arguing with your parents. Earlier in the day, you were playing with the kids in your village and got into an argument. In the end, you ended up hitting an older boy because he insisted you looked really attractive for a 13-year-old kid. This is one of the 'fights' you got in, as they were much more. You were a short-tempered young girl and liked to have your way.

Unfortunately, it was evident your parents would end up confronting you about it.

"He was acting weird towards me!" You yelled as you stood up from the ground angrily.

"Y/n, you cannot continue like that! If you do, we'll have to seriously punish you, do you hear us!? You're embarrassing the family." Your father yelled back, even louder at you.

You gasped at his words as they broke your heart. Embarrassing? You? You were... embarrassing the family?

Tears slowly started to form as you watched your parents without answering anything. You looked at your mom as your lips started to quiver, searching for comfort, but you only found disappointment in her eyes.

That was enough for you to break down in tears as you ran to your room.

You cried and cried in your bed until you looked outside to see that the moon was all up in the sky. You got out of your room and noticed it was dead quiet in the house. Your siblings were probably sleeping, as well as your parents.

You decided to go out of your house and walk outside for a while. As a 13-year-old, you have always had an attitude and you were adventurous, but every kid has their limits. For you, the strange sounds coming from the forest were scaring you and when strident screams were heard, you were officially terrified.

"Kaasan! Tousan! Miyuki! Chikao!" You yelled for your parents and younger siblings' names as you started to run back to your house. What were those horrible screams?

The more you came closer to your house, the more cold it felt. The air, the atmosphere, it was all so heavy. It was enough to make your blood run cold and impose a sense of fear strong enough to make you want to run the furthest away from your home.

However, once you heard your younger sister's voice screaming, you knew that something bad was happening. Something really bad.

Despite your bad feelings, you started to run faster. Once you've arrived at the entrance of your house, your whole body froze in shock. On the ground were laying the lifeless bodies of your beloved parents in a pool of their own blood. The sight was horrible, it wasn't something a child should ever see.

As you stood at the same place, your whole body trembling, you heard noises coming from your right. Your sister and your brother backing away from a man. Who was he? Was he the one who killed your parents?

"What..." Was all you managed to say before the same man raised his arm and suddenly, you saw blood splashing around as your siblings dropped dead to the ground.

You gasped, unable to breathe before you screamed with rage. Your body felt heavy, your legs felt heavy and you felt they would give up at any moment.

Your parents... Your siblings... They were all dead.

The man turned around to look at you with a creepy smile. He wasn't human. He launched at you with speed, and you walked towards him stupidly, wanting nothing more than to hold your siblings in your arms.

As the unknown person came dangerously close to you, a pink flash appeared, and the demon suddenly stopped moving. His neck got slashed and he lay dead on the ground.

You didn't bother to look at it, nor at the person who saved you. You just continued to walk to your siblings' bodies. You seemed like you would fall at each of your steps, which ended up happening. You fell on your knees as tears started to fall.

"Miyuki... Miyuki... Wake up! Please don't leave me alone!" You began to shake your sister's shoulders, hoping that she would move, but she didn't. "Chikao... CHIKAO!! STOP IT AND WAKE UP!" You now held your brother against you.

Tears began to fall more and more, and you began to crawl your way to your parents' bodies. "Kaasan! Tousan!" You punched the ground, ignoring the pain as your knuckles started to bleed. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

Oh, how guilty you felt. Was their death your fault? If you didn't go for a walk, would things have been different?

You felt a hand on your shoulder and you jumped in surprise, forgetting there was someone else. You turned around as your tears stopped, and you found a young, beautiful woman crouching at your height.

Tears started to form in her eyes too as she pulled you in a sudden embrace. "This is too sad! You shouldn't have to live that. Poor child." Her voice was friendly and loving, yet filled with sadness.

After a while of hugging, she pulled away and wiped your tears with her thumb and took your hand, pulling you up to your feet. "Can you tell me your name?"

"Y/n." You mumbled, your gaze fixed on the blood that strained your kimono.

She smiled warmly at you, even though you didn't look at her. "I'm Mitsuri! Y/n, was that your family?"

You nodded as you felt tears forming in your eyes again. "I have no one anymore..."

The young woman patted your head and you noticed her unusual hair color, pink and green. It reminded you of the food, sakura mochi. "Well then, I'd like you to meet someone very dear to me, I'm sure he can help you!"

After burying the bodies with Mitsuri, she started walking away while encouraging you along gently so you could leave the place.

A week later, you meet a certain man named Kagaya Ubuyashiki and after that encounter, you start training as Mitsuri's tsuguko in hopes of becoming a demon slayer and taking revenge on your deceased family.

To be continued...

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DEMON SLAYER FUN FACT: Douma prefers to eat young women, due to the fact that he believes that their meat is superior in quality.


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