Chapter 1, new discovery

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Well hello hello hello this is the author Jackie speaking I just wanted to let y'all know that in bold this is a little guide means that they're speaking in a different language, a.k.a. Portuguese (my phone is glitching out so in order to write in bold I will do it in the next chapter, but just know the conversation with garp and his grandsons. It's in Portuguese) and also I'm really enjoying writing this book. I really hope you read and enjoy. Anyways, this is Jackie signing off toddles~<3

Everything was fading in and out,music blaring in Luffy's ears.Figures of people surrounded him then a pair of hands reached out to him that read the very thing he feared the most as his eyes closed...

     Luffy sits outside of the doctor's office waiting for his name to be called. He mindlessly scrolls through social media then he hears a notification go off, sabo:you at the doctor's office yet? Luffy sighs they have been like this ever since he was diagnosed with his condition when he was young, constantly watching over him like doting mothers. He replies,
Luffy: yes as always
Sabo: ok good, i just wanna make sure especially after what happened.
Luffy: That was three months ago. I'll be fine, don't worry so much.
Sabo: I know I know, it's just I worry about you collapsing again.
Luffy: And it's only happened three times in the twelve years I've been out.
Sabo:     i remember the days you used to be attached to me and Ace like glue and then you grew up so fast
" Luffy d monkey" a nurse calls out from the door.
Luffy: well i gotta go love you see ya
Sabo: love you too see you at the house

Luffy heads over towards the door following the nurse to the back luffy enters one of the rooms and sits down and waits for the doctor. the room filled with all kinds of medical equipment for hearts. From ecg monitors to ultrasound machines. Luffy hears the creak of the door opening. He turns his head to see a strange tall man standing looking down at a clipboard there instead of his doctor. He saw the tattoos on his hands and swore he remembers seeing them somewhere before. The man speaks,"you're luffy D mon..." he stops in his tracks as his eyes widen as he looks up, "you!" luffy tilts his head in confusion. "You?" ,"yes you"the man says which only makes Luffy more confused. "Should I know you??" the man's eyebrows furrow as he pinches between them. Then sighs and crosses his arms " I guess you wouldn't know since you collapsed right after'', "collapsed right after?" luffy continues to get more and more confused as time goes on. "You collapsed at a party and were taken to the hospital." the man says. "oh yeaaaaahhhhh I did.when i woke up they told me a man helped me but left right after. Was that you? thank you!" Luffy gives a smile bright enough to outshine the sun at the man.The man was slightly taken aback by the gesture. How can a man smile that brightly? Especially after almost dying three months ago. He quickly regains his composure, " it's my job to" he says in a monotone voice. "But still thanks!" luffy says ecstatically.

The man snaps on a pair of gloves," I am doctor Trafalgar and I'll be your temporary doctor for the next two months due to the fact that your usual doctor will be on leave for a while.", " where are they?" luffy says with curiosity. " they're on vacation, let's begin the examination." They go through the motions quickly and efficiently. Luffy was shocked at how fast it went. "I'll be right back." and with that he left. Leaving luffy kicking his legs back and forth. Luffy notes that the man was quite nice. He might be quiet, and moody but despite that he was fast at his job but still gentle. Luffy gets snapped out of his thoughts as he hears the door open again. " Everything looks stable, so let's give you your injection." trafalgar grabs the syringe and a little bottle.

He grabs Luffy's arm looking for his veins.Luffy is a tad bit flustered from Seeing the man's face up close. He was quite handsome, messy full jet black hair, piercing golden eyes , lightly tanned skin, facial hair that fit his face just right, thin but well shaped eyebrows, and two tiny gold hoops on either sides of his ears.If he wasn't wearing his coat you'd think he was a model. "You don't really look like a doctor." Trafalgar, slightly agitated by the comment sarcastically says," if i don't look like a doctor, what do i look like?" , "more like a model," Luffy says without batting an eye. Trafalgar stops dead in his tracts. Trafalgar has been complimented on his looks in bars but never so directly. He looks up to see Luffy smiling without a care in the world. He looks back down to focus on his task ,"I much prefer being a doctor and would like it to stay that way.", "you're a good doctor so it's okay!" Luffy's smile only gets wider.

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