Chapter 16- equilibrium

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law is determined to make this dinner perfect. Well him saying 'I'll cook the best meal you've ever had' he admits was a little overkill but he was annoyed with luffy teasing him about being terrible at stuff. He has been bad at all the stuff other than singing but today he was gonna prove his boyfriend wrong.

     Law plans on cooking roasted chicken with vegetables, simple but good. Law did everything that he needed to do, chopped up and seasoned the vegetables and marinated the chicken. All he has to do was put it in the oven. Law shoves it in and closes the oven door setting timer.

He walks around cleaning up all around the house making the place look spotless.the whole house was done all that was left was his room.

Law enters his room to see it's a jumbled mess, clothes lay around the room empty cups of coffee and used energy patches , with messy sheets. It's normally not this messy but he had a busy week. He starts picking up stuff and one done with that he needs to check on the last thing .

He opens his drawers to see he had a few condoms and half a bottle of lube. It's been a long time since he last needed to use these. He uses them. It's just not that not that often he has one night stands every once and awhile but most of the time he works overtime and just stays inside the house if not. But luffy's in his life now, he doesn't know if luffy wants to tonight but if they do he wants to be prepared. Now that he thinks about it he doesn't even know how experienced luffy is in the bedroom. He's been with men before so if luffy doesn't know he'll help him. Guiding him through the pleasures of sex, teaching him new things, ruining his- law is snapped out of his thoughts by the smell of smoke.

he runs down the stairs to see the kitchen filled with smoke he rushes to the oven grabbing his mitts pulling out the pitch black chicken. That was just great, what's he gonna do now? Did the timer glitch out? he looks to see that he never even started the timer. He felt like a total moron. He walks around opening the windows to let air in and smoke out. He opens his phone to text Luffy about this whole mess.


Law: hey dinners gonna have to be canceled

    Luffy: what happened

    Law: nothing

    Luffy: let me guess you burned the meal

    Law: ...

Luffy: Oh my gosh you totally did! Shi shi shi i guess torao really is bad at everything

Law: i'm not, it just my timer didn't work

Luffy: shi shi whatever you say... but any ways answer your door it's getting cold out here.

Law walks over, opening the door to see Luffy stand there in a hoodie, t-shirt, sweats, and converse, he's holding a plastic bag that says 'thank you' with a smiley face on the side filled with white containers.

Luffy walks in kicking off his shoes,"What's that?", " well this is as a 'just in case torao messes up plan' which torao did. It's some Chinese food,oh I made sure that I ordered one dish without bread." , "how did you know?" , " of course i noticed you never eat anything with bread plus im your boyfriend i should notice things." luffy says smiling law stood there shocked he always had to say he didn't eat bread in his previous relationships. Law smiles back.

    Luffy and Law sit on the couch opening up the containers of food, " here's yours Torao" Luffy hands Law a white container filled with rice and stir fry chicken.

" This is the best Chinese food ever, try it!" Law takes a bite of the chicken. It was delicious, " so, what do you think?", "it's good." Luffy smiles "I know right! So how was your week?", "same as always, work, go to the bar with my friends" , "i don't think i've heard about your friends, what are they like?" luffy says seriously, he's never heard law talk about his friends or family much with him , " a bunch of pestering assholes that always take me out against my will." law rolls his eyes. "Well they sound like they're trying to get a certain grumpster to have some fun instead of work all the time," law frowns "but you should explore more often. In Fact if you could go anywhere, where would it be?"law had to think about it for a second "germany.and i've traveled plenty."

" Why germany?" , " it's my biological father's country." , "that's so cool! My reason to go to America sounds lame now,", " and what was that?" , "just cause it seems cool!" Law smiles, that's definitely a luffy reason if he's ever heard it, "maybe we'll go together one day torao." , " I guess I could show you a few spots." luffy sits there shocked, " wait wait wait... you've been to america before?!" , "I studied abroad in america." Luffy's eyes light up " so cool, what did you do for fun in college, what was it like?" , "it was interesting, lots of different kinds of people I mostly studied and... worked" The hesitation on 'work' had Luffy curious , "what job did you have?", " it was an eccentric job." Law avoids looking luffy in the eye luffy lean forward " what was the job about? Pretty please tell me" luffy looks at law with puppy dog eyes, law sighs he could never say no to luffy, "well it was a Reverse hooters situation that was western themed." Luffy's mouth gaped open with shock, "whaaaat?!"Luffy couldn't even imagine law in a hot cowboy outfit. Luffy starts laughing, law frowns embarrassed, " it's not that funny" luffy wipes away a tear "sorry it's just hard to imagine you being a host." ,

" Well it's true." Luffy has a look of realization. " oh my gosh do you have photos?!", "I'm absolutely not showing them to you" luffy leans in " pretty please I promise I won't make fun of you I'll even tell you an embarrassing story of my own '' law shows a face of defeat, "fine just no laughing" law opens his phone scrolling to find it law shows a photo of law surrounded by drunk co workers having fun the attire was more tame then he had expected but it somehow was more alluring that way. Nice blue jeans and a big belt that tucked in his light blue button up, sleeves rolled up showing off his strong forearms you could see his veins throughout, his shirt unbuttoned to show off his sculpted body and the tattoos that decorate it. And cowboy hat to top it off " damn you look sexy."

Law looks shocked he's never heard luffy say stuff of that stature. " I showed , so what's the embarrassing story you have" luffy takes a deep breath " I guess i told you I would, so one time me and my friends went to a bar and we were bar hopping so I was already drunk. And they announced that they had a competition for a hundred dollars if you could stay on their mechanical bull for more than one minute. And my friends said I should do it and I did. I even won. I hopped off the bull. As I walked back to the bar and a really hot guy complimented me. I drunkenly kissed him but then I felt really sick all of a sudden and I... kinda threw up on him." Law stayed still for a second then burst laughing

Luffy huffs " it is not that funny you know." " ohh but it is." Law says continuing to laugh luffy starts to smile. He hasn't seen law like this. It's nice, " let's see what you find more funny, the story or this!" Luffy tackles law and starts to tickle him. Law starts laughing even harder, "stop ha ha stop", "never!" , " Fine, then I'll make you stop with this!" Law flips Luffy over so he's on top and starts to tickle and sprinkles kisses over Luffy's face as giggles and chuckles fill the room, "Torao stop it that tickles!" " only when you stop." " fine fine, I give" luffy stops and so does law they stay staring into each other's eyes smiling. law bends down giving a playful peck on the cheek Luffy responded with a sweet short kiss on the lips. Everything was perfect.

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