Chapter 12- anxiety's remedy

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Luffy and law walk inside a museum that reads " the music of the world

Luffy is filled with excitement practically bursting at the seams.  This is the first time law has ever asked him to go on a date saying that it was really somewhere he thought they both can enjoy. Luffy made sure to dress nice, he spent hours trying to figure out what to wear. He decided on a floral print blouse with cuffed jeans and flower stud earrings.

They wait in line to buy their tickets, Luffy was feeling self-conscious, Law keeps glancing at him but every time he looks at him he turns his head away. He decided to wear his hair wavy in its natural state. He was so worried about it, was it bothering Law that much? Did he not like it? Law glances at him again luffy couldn't stand it anymore " Torao ,is something wrong?","nothing's wrong" law says turning his head away, luffy furrows his eyebrows ,"well you keep staring at me so somethings wrong," luffy pauses, " do I look bad?"  he looks down at the floor somberly. He knew shouldn't have worn it outside. Law turns his head around to look  , "no that's not it." law rubs the back of his neck , why was it so hard to say this?
"You look... cute." luffy looks up to see law cheeks dusted pink.cute? People have called him that before but it felt... different. It made his heart feel fuzzy inside and he was far more giddy over it than if anyone else said it.

Luffy beams up at law, he was so relieved that law didn't hate it, "thanks," luffy looks law up and down ,  his nice slacks,white collared shirt with sweater vest, his accessories a watch matching his earrings, his piercing eyes staring into his, "...Torao looks handsome today too." Luffy says blushing red, he really does have a handsome boyfriend.

They both stand in line flustered waiting for their tickets. Once they get the tickets they enter the museum to see the rooms covered head to toe in all kinds of things from instruments from famous artists to actual instruments that people can play on.

The walk around enjoying the exhibit place by place then they reach one in specific that raised law's interest, the country section. They walk over to one of the exhibits that lets you listen to samples of music  they both put in on headphones listening to the song luffy sees laws lips he takes off his headphones to hear law better , but instead hears law singing, the words rolling of his tongue hearing his husky voice release each time he sounded like if whiskey went down smooth, as if he was a trained professional. Luffy stood there in awe hearing Law's voice. It was entrancing the way he sang.  law and finished the song taking off his headphones to see luffy in a trance. Law furrows his eyebrows in concern and confusion luffy smiles ear to ear, "that was amazing torao!" law stood there covering his mouth realizing what he did turning bright red. Walking away quickly, luffy chases after him, " where did you learn to sing?" Law stays silent luffy pouts "torao." Law sighs , "my father made me learn something else other than my studies of medicine. So I chose music", luffy looks at him curious, "why music ?"," I thought it might help me with presion in my hands so I could be better with my hands during surgery."  luffy chuckles  law raises an eyebrow, "what's so funny?", " oh nothing, its just even then torao wanted to be better at being a doctor though torao was supposed to be out of his studies." law blushes ,"whatever." ,

"no wonder torao knows all the artists,so does torao listen to country often? ", "not anymore i just listened to it a lot as a kid on road trips my father always said
'it fits the ambiance.'" law rolls his eyes at the last part. Luffy chuckles, "that's cute." law gets flustered, "my grandpa used to play a song all the time in the kitchen , 'voce e linda' if I remember correctly." law doesn't think he's ever heard a song like that; it must be a song from his home. It was nice to hear about luffy's home life.

Law smiles gently hearing luffy hum his childhood song, he didn't sound bad at all, " do you know how to sing?" luffy stops humming, "well not as good as you but i took a few classes here and there. Since I want to be a teacher I don't want to be bad at singing nursery rhymes." Law smiles thinking about it , Luffy singing to little kids, smiling without care in the world, "what is torao smiling about?" , " oh nothing." Law says smirking, luffy latches on to law's arm, " come on tell me," Luffy gives big puppy dog eyes law looks away in order restist his charms , "nope" Luffy huffs, " fine" he was way too adorable , law bends over to kiss luffy on the cheek , " let's go." Luffy blushes pink, "yeah"

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