Chapter 5- dosage

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Law walks around looking for luffy. They had agreed to meet around here today.

Law:where are you?
Luffy: i'm by a light stand.
Law: thats not very useful.
Luffy: wait i think i see you!

Law sees Luffy runs up to him waving and smiling without a care in the world. "Torao! Over here!" he says slightly out of breath. Law gets a better look at luffy seeing him wearing a white turtleneck with a cropped puffer jacket and cuffed denim jeans wearing sliver earrings and was pretty stylish compared to what law was thinking he would wear. "Well where's the shirt?" law raises his eyebrow, "well I didn't know what type of shirt you would like so i thought we could wander around and find one you like" law groans rubbing his temples ,he should just get this over with and he's not willing to take the time to argue, "fine." luffy smiles and grabs law's hand dragging him, "lets go!" he says pointing his finger forwards.

They walk up to the store and walk in getting a 'welcome' from the employees. Law walks around and chooses a shirt  he turns back to see luffy excitedly looking around  like a little kid in a candy shop. "Torao look at this,"Luffy turns around with silly oversized star glasses , " I look  just like professor Brook." What in the world does his professor wear? "Uww look at this, 'we've come to take over your planet.'" luffy says imitating an alien voice while wearing glasses. Luffy grabs another pair, sliding them onto Law's face. "Aw you look so cute in the kitty glasses!"  luffy says smiling law bushes with embarrassment quickly taking them off luffy pouts , "but you looked so good in those. Uw lets try some of the clothes on!" luffy drags him off grabbing some clothes on the way to the changing room.

"You wait here" luffy walks into the changing room closing the curtains before law could even say a word. Law knows he's not getting out of this so he just sighs and sits down in one of the chairs for the people in the waiting room.

After a minute or two the curtain open to show luffy in a stupid looking outfit with all kinds of mismatching patterns on the clothing and still wearing those ridiculous alien glasses he walks like a runway model and then strike a silly pose and goes back in and changes into different outfit each one more ridiculous then the last and law tried to hold it in as best he could but after the legwarmers fit he couldn't help but snicker. Luffy smiles bright as the sun hearing it. Law could help but blush, despite looking like an idiot, his smile shown through making Law's heart melt for a second. He coughs regaining his composure. " This last one is serious, okay?" luffy then runs in closing the changing room closing the curtain. serious ? Law was curious ,what the younger male would come up with? It was taking longer than before Law was wondering what's taking so long. Law was going to check up on Luffy when he saw the curtain open.

Luffy came out in an oversized cardigan, a t- shirt tucked into high waisted shorts that were cuffed with care, knee high stockings , simple converse , with beautiful silver jewelry all on him. "What do you think?"Luffy says meekly, cheeks flushed. Law's mouth hanging open with an awestruck look, luffy looked... cute. The clothes fit him perfectly,you could tell he took time to style it right. "Toraooo what you looking so close at," luffy bends over and whispers in his ear where he could hear every breath luffy took, "Is.It.Me?" luffy says in a flirty voice emphasizing each word . Law leans back in the chair blushing furiously. Luffy stands back up and giggles, " I was just teasing Torao but I didn't plan on you being this flustered.'' He was just teasing him. He can't believe He let it catch him off guard.

Luffy walks back in and out withs his normal clothes on. They walk up to the front, Law puts his shirt up  and shockingly luffy puts up the last outfit he wore, " why are you buying that?" , "well since you were staring so much I thought I'd buy it"  luffy snickers laws face flushes , "I did not!" the cashier giggle, "what a cute couple" law's face turns even more pink "it's not like that!" ," oh, I'm sorry I just thought that you were together guess not, well you're all checked out." Law grabs the bags walking out quickly face flushed luffy follows after him, "it wasn't that serious or is it that torao is embarrassed?" luffy says smiling poking at law's  cheek. Law knocks off luffy's hand " I wasn't embarrassed", " Torao was totally embarrassed, I'm hungry let's get something to eat", "Well I'm n-" Law's stomach growls " torao's stomach disagrees. Let's go! I want meat!" luffy grabs law's hand dragging him to who knows where.

They walk into a small restaurant sitting down in a booth in the corner. luff y opens the menu ordering all different kinds of meat based entrees. While law ordered something small.when the food arrived law was appealed at the hoard of food luffy had ordered, was he really gonna eat that all? Luffy starts shoveling the food in his mouth while law stops eating around half way through his dish. Luffy pauses noticing law stopped eating, " torao why did you stop?", "i'm not hungry anymore"  ,"torao should really eat more , here have some" luffy puts some food on on fork pointing it towards law, "im not hungry" ,  luffy frowns " eat, you need to otherwise you'll be dizzy all day from lack of food." he sound as if he's a mom forcing her child to eat food. "Fine," Law grabs the fork taking a bite " happy now?" luffy smiles sweetly, "very." law pauses for a second, why does this man care so much for him even though law was cold to him and he basically knows nothing about him? It just didn't make sense to law.

The sound of Luffy's fork dropping on top of a plate breaks his train of thoughts. "Man that was good," luffy pats stomach law could believe he had really finished it all. " Oh before we leave let's take a selfie! Come over here." law scooches over to luffy's side still keeping a good distance, "come closer," law just moves barely any closer to luffy, " that's not close enough ," luffy closes the distance completely having them touch shoulders, "there." luffy holds up his phone and smiles. Laws heart thumps as he looks at Luffy. Why does that smile always make him give into luffy's whims, and make his heart act up? It is really getting troublesome. He notices coffee colored orbs star into his gold ones, "helloooo? Torao really likes to stare."  law looks away, "torao look at the camera, smile" luffy clicks the button smiling broadly. Luffy looks at his phone then up at law, " you didn't smile, why not?" luffy pouts. " I haven't smiled in over two years that's the best you're gonna get." law says dully, it's  true he hasn't given a genuine smile ever since that day but recently he's been more lively ever since he met luffy probably because how annoyingly optimistic he can be but for some reason it keeps making him act weird.

"Well one day I'll make you smile torao!"luffy grins, " whatever."

Luffy and law walk to where they first met up " thanks torao today was fun, see ya!"luffy waves then runs off.

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