Chapter 4- prescription

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Law and his friends stand in front of their favorite bar with a large sign that reads 'closed for renovations', "well that's just great,what are we gonna do now?" Saichi says, crossing his arms letting out an exasperated sigh. " I guess we just go home" law says, this was his perfect opportunity but Penguin grabs him by the collar choking him out , " oh no you're not getting away that easily." law sighs, he already knew but it was still worth a shot. "You know what this is the perfect chance to broaden our horizons, try something new especially since we only go here because a certain someone refuses to go out anywhere else" Saichi says, eyeing law up and down. Big ma's was a home base for them since it's close to work but it would be nice to explore every once and awhile. "Oh you know what, i heard there's a club nearby that's super popular we should go there!" club? Oh hell no. Law's gotta go, law tries to run off  but is tugged by his collar again and dragged off to the car so they can go to the crowded mosh pit full of sweaty people grinding up on each other while being absolutely hammered....

Law and his friends enter the place he dreaded the most at that moment. The music injecting itself in his ears, the potent smell of cheap perfume and cologne wafted into his nose, the whole experience was over stimulating yep, he's definitely not going in there. Law tries to turn away but is grabbed from under both arms by Penguin and Saichi getting dragged in.once inside law shakes off both of his friends and scowls at both of the men."why would you drag me in here", " oh come on this place isn't that bad." Penguin says Law just crosses his arms and cocks an eyebrow. "I know it's not your vibe but it could be fun,"Saichi says.
" Just try to have fun, for me?" Bepo says with pleading eyes, he guess he could try,"fine, i'm going to the bar." he definitely needed a buzz for this. Bepo softly smiled "thanks." law just grunts in acknowledgement walking off.

  Law walks up to the bar ,"one cup of whisky on the rocks." the bartender nods and fills up the glass giving it to him. Law slowly slips on the drink enjoying the bitter flavor burn down his throat. As he's about to order another he hears a familiar voice much to his annoyance , "law!" He turns his head to see Luffy dressed up in rather revealing clothing , the vibrant red crop top showing off his well toned abdomen to his denim shorts only covering the minimum leaving space to see his thighs between his tall black leather boots. And his face looked like that of a doll's, mascara enhancing his camel-like eyelashes, his rosey cheeks , and glossy pink tinted lips. " What are you doing here torao?"Luffy asks, tilting his head curious. Law would probably be curious too if he were him." My friends brought me here." , "Cool!. My friends are over at our section busy talking-", luffy's eyes light up as the music changes "oh my gosh this is my favorite song, you have to come dance with me!" "hey wait a-" before he could finish his sentence luffy grabs law's hand leading him into the crowded dance floor.
He does little steps starting to get into it and looks over to see law just standing there "why aren't you dancing?", "because I don't dance." luffy pouts "come on dance." "no." "dance." "nope." "dance." "absolutely not." "Pretty please" luffy shows off his pretty chocolate doe eyes.he sighs "fine" luffy's eyes light up like stars.He grabs law's hands and pulls him closer, they dance side to side luffy pulls away leading law to spin him. it was enchanting, the way he danced to the music making it look effortless. His steps loose but still following the beat. It was just,beautiful. Law thought he felt his heart skip a beat, it must've been his imagination.before he knew it the song was over.luffy let go of law's hands then smiled, "that was fun thanks for dancing with me" law just grunts before luffy gets a notification and checks his phone then looks up at law ," i gotta go my fiends are heading to the next club, bye toaro." Law left there standing alone , he walks off , what an exhausting event he was ready to go home already. He walks to the bar paying his tab texting his friend his out of commission for tonight and heads home knocking out the moment his head hits his pillow...

Law wakes up with a sight headache probably a result of the blaring lights and music from the night prior.  he hears dings going off on his phone he turns it on to see its his group chat. Oh great. 

Saich: Who was that girl last night that was dancing with law?
penguin : yeah who was that babe with you last night?
Law: none of your business
penguin : aw don't be that way you can tell your dear friends anything
Law: more like my two dear assholes
Saichi: aw he considers us dear to him
Penguin: how sweet

Law was tired of this he turns off phone and gets ready for work. he pulls up to the building entering the break room to see his two friends run up to him getting in his face, "you weren't responding to our text what happened?", " I was just ignoring two idiots asking idiotic questions." Penguin and saichi both pout, "we're just curious about what happened to our dear friend."penguin says sweetly trying to sound innocent, law rolls his eyes, " pretty please." Penguin and saichi show of their puppy dog eyes. Law looks at them with disdain. It was off putting seeing them like this. But its not like he could tell them, ' hey i danced with my ex patient  who gave me the gift basket!', they would never let him live it down, they'd probably say something like,"you danced with an ex patient how treacherous!', 'and not only did you did it with an ex patient but the one that gave you the gift basket you really must like them." with smug looks on their faces teasing him all day. He was absolutely not dealing with that. So he will avoid it until they either forget or give up. " I have a patient coming soon goodbye." he waves on his way out the door shutting before they could get another word in.
Law works the whole time not going to the breakroom so they can't ask him anymore questions. Then lunch break came he knew that was their golden ticket but he wouldn't let that happen he finishes up as soon as possible with  his last patient before break. Yes, he finished five minutes early. He walks out of the office  as quickly as possible once he's in the car he let a breath he didn't even realize he was holding in. he dives around aimlessly looking for a place to sit down and eat in peace then he comes across a cute coffee shop with a white brick exterior, a black metal roof with plants adorned all around. He guess he could try this he enters the inside was just as nice as the outside but the atmosphere is more melancholy. There were all kinds of comfortable seats from couches  to those hanging egg chairs. It looked like a lot of college students work here. There were only two or three other adults that look close to his age. He walks up to the kiosk and orders a simple meal, a black coffee and flan. He sits down at a small table. He takes a sip of the coffee letting the earthy flavor sit in his mouth  before swallowing. It was pretty good he might come back here sometime. He hears the bell over the door ring then he hears that dumb nickname, "torao!"
déjà vu much? why and does the world want to torture him so, "hello" , " what are you doing here?" ,
" I'm trying to enjoy my lunch in peace. '' Law emphasizes the peace but Luffy instead sits down at his table . '' I'm here to get children at my job a treat," Luffy says with a broad smile. Law cocks an eyebrow, " kids?", "yeah i work at a daycare just a few blocks away" law nods in acknowledgment as he takes a bite of his flan, it made a lot of sense to law.  kids are the only thing that's energetic enough to keep up with his annoyingly hyper personality.

As laws about to take a sip of his coffee Luffy leans over the table getting closer and closer to law's face.awkward law leans back trying to gain distance between their faces and before he knew it he was on the ground with piping hot coffee on his shirt.  Luffy runs over to law, "are you okay? Let me help"Luffy grabs some napkins and starts frantically whipping him down. He sees they're grabbing other people's attention. Embarrassed he pushes luffy away and gets up walking quickly to the restroom as luffy walks following him. Law stands at the sink wetting up his shirt grabbing a paper towel trying to wipe away the stain. "Sorry I was just trying to wipe a crumb off your mouth." he could've just told law that. he can't believe he's gonna have to walk around like this all day, maybe he'll have enough time to buy a new one." I'll make it up to you and buy a new one. Could you give me your number?", " no need i'll buy a new one myself." says sighing and drops his shirt in defeat., " please let me make it up to you torao I feel real bad about it." luffy looks up at the taller man with his soft doe eyes with a sober look. Law flinches, it feels off putting seeing him like this " fine" luffy smiles, for some reason law could say no to this man probably from how persistent he is. They both pull out their phones exchanging info " i'll make it up to you promise,see you!"luffy gives one of his broad smiles and runs off. What in the world is Law gonna do with that guy?

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