Chapter 18- rewards

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Law was stuck. He stared at the empty screen. He had absolutely no clue what to write, how in the world to explain what he does to a bunch of  little kids that are barely five, how he cuts open bodies and cuts and sometimes removes someone's heart without it sounding terrifying and ends up traumatizing the kids. He sighs out loud. He turns his head hearing a notification from his friends inviting him out to the bar. Normally he'd immediately say no since he had already met his weekly quota for visits outside his house or work but might as well besides he was not getting anywhere with this. Maybe a change of scenery will help him get out of this funk.

He walks into the bar dressed casually, a pair of  jeans and a button-up. He walks up to the bar to see his friends sitting laughing and giggling. He taps on Saichi's shoulder, and he turns his head, "you made it! I'm shocked, you even made me lose a bet to Bepo on whether you'd show or not." "It's not like I was making much progress at home so I figured that I might as well take the change of scenery." law says sitting down next to his friends, "what are you working on?" Penguin asks, Law had piqued the group's interest.

"Luffy asked me to present for career day at his daycare next week." the guys gasped. "Now why in the world would an antisocial grumpy man who's uncomfortable with kids would ever agree to such a thing?" "I don't know. I just couldn't say no." It's not like he could tell them that he was possibly getting some ass if he did this. "Aww," all the guys swoon. "You really must like him." Penguin says, wrapping his arm around Law. Law clicks his tongue. "How about we help you out with your presentation? I mean it's obvious you're struggling with this." Bepo suggests. Law hates to admit it, but he needs help badly. "Fine."

"Great, we'll help you out after work until your presentation after work but for now let's have some fun!" .......

"I'll be straight, this is terrible." Saichi says penguin and Bepo nod in agreement. "well, what needs to change?"  "For starters you're using way too many complicated words that even some adults don't understand, the scowl on your face makes it seem like you're ready to kill me, and the way you speak would bore just about anyone to death." Bepo and penguin nod, "Maybe start off with putting on a smile." Bepo suggests law gives an awkward grin. "Somehow this is worse than his scowl." Saichi says penguin nods. Law frowns, "shut up."  "Think back to something  that makes you happy." Bepo says. Law tries to think about what makes him happy, a smile slowly forms as he thinks about Luffy laughing as he and law dance on the hospital rooftop.

"There! Right there! That's what we're looking for!" Saichi says excited law snaps out of it looking up agitated, "what?" "you just smiled! Whatever you thought of did the trick." Bepo says with a grin, "Just who were you thinking about huhhh?" Saichi says with a devious smirk.

Law smacks him in the head with his presentation paper "Shut it." "He didn't deny it! Was it your boo?" penguin wiggles his eyebrows. He is met with the same fate as Saichi.

"Dumbasses." "You still didn't deny it...." law raises the paper in the air again  they both cover their head "If you don't hit us, I have a suggestion." Saichi says Law lowers the paper and crosses his arms "What's your idea?" Saichi sighs in relief as he and Penguin lower their hands from their heads. "How about you make it interactive? You know, maybe you could bring something like a model heart."

Law thinks for a second, "For once you might have a good idea." "Hey! I have good ideas all the time!" Saichi says offended. "Oh really? I've only heard stupid things come from your mouth as long as I've known you." Saichi grumbles to himself. "Also, you need to simplify this a lot. You aren't speaking to doctors; you're speaking to children. But don't forget that kids are smarter than you think so don't make it so simple that they get bored. Just keep on trying and you'll get it right." law nods.

It's been four days and Law still hasn't got it right. Bepo says he's improving but some things still need improvement. Filling in some files at his computer he gets a text from Luffy. 

Luffy: Hey, just checking on you. How's the presentation going? I hope it's going well! You've got this! <3

Law smiles gently, this gave him just the push he needed. He cracks his knuckles and gets back to typing.

Today was the day Law was nervous. It wasn't that he was presenting to a whole bunch of five-year-olds, well maybe a little. But more than that it was the fact he would be presenting in front of his boyfriend.

Law pulls up to the daycare walking to the door. He takes a deep breath and opens it. He immediately feels an impact on his legs, almost making him fall over. He looks down to see a little kid no older than six. " woooahh you're super tall mister!" The little kid says looking in awe.

"Onion! I told you don't latch on to whoever.... Torao!" Luffy's shows that bright smile that Law is so infatuated with.

"Okay guys gather round; our special guest is here!" Luffy announces all the kids gather around and sit down. Luffy walks past law "good luck"

Law walks to the front of the group of children and takes a deep breath putting on his least intimidating smile, "Hello I'm mister Trafalgar and today I'll be talking to you guys about my job. You know when you feel bad, you go to the doctor right? well, I'm a doctor but I'm the one you go to when your heart hurts. I patch up hearts and take out the bad stuff. So, I have something cool, do you guys wanna see?"

Multiple 'yes please' and 'I wanna see' s throughout the group of kids. Law reaches into his pocket to pull out an accurate model heart plush and hands it to the kids hearing 'cool' or 'eww' as they pass it around. "This is what your heart actually looks like, I know it's not as  pretty as the drawings but it's one of the most important organs in the body." 

A little girl raises their hand, "yes?" law asks "Mr. Trafalgar, why does the heart make that kathunk  noise?" Law tries to think of a way to simplify it so the kid could understand. "Well, parts of your body need blood in order to stay strong and the heart beats to help give that blood to the other parts of your body." the little kid smiles. "I want to be a doctor like you when I grow up!" Law smiles and kneels down patting her head, "I can't wait to see you to see you become a doctor, there will be a spot open for you in my clinic when you're ready." the little girl smiles.

Luffy walks to the front, "Guys Mr. Trafalgar is gonna leave now, let's say goodbye."  as law gets up his sleeve is tugged on, he looks down to see the little girl with puppy dog eyes looking pitiful, "don't go yet Mr. Trafalgar'' Law sighs "I guess I could stay a little while longer." the girl's eyes light up flashing a broad grin.  "Yay!"

Law is clings on to by multiple little kids spinning around while the kids laugh with joy. Luffy smiles, seems like Law has a soft spot for kids, he'd make a great father. Luffy starts to blush at the idea of them having kids.

"Mr. Luffy, why is your face so red?" "Oh nothing, it's just hot in here." law looks over concerned and puts the kids down walking over to Luffy putting his hand on Luffy's  forehead "Are you okay you feel a little hot" Luffy face heats up even more noticing that kaya and the rest of the staff were staring at him. Luffy steps away. "I'm fine really!" Luffy says, his face still beat red. "Okay tell me if anything feels off." Law walks back to the kids and Luffy follows behind him.

They played with the kids late into the afternoon until everyone was picked up. They finish cleaning up even though he insisted that Law should not have to clean up.

After they were done, they walked out waving goodbye. The sun was completely down and only the streetlights illuminated the area. "Thanks for presenting it was really good. I could tell the kids had fun who knew that Torao was a big softie for kids." law blushes " I am not!" They stand in front of Luffy's car. "Now for your reward." Luffy gets on his tippy toes, wrapping his arms around Law's neck and kisses him. It was warm and gentle Law was like a putty in Luffy's grasp. "Was that a good reward?" "I don't know, can we do it again in order to see if it's good enough?" law says smirking Luffy smiles as they kiss again.  Little did they know someone's eyes laid upon the scene...

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