Chapter 6- side effects include- staring

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It's been a week since their meetup law walks into the coffee to see luffy at the front waiting looking at his phone law walks up to the kiosk to order his food, he grabs his food and the moment he opened his mouth luffy looks up recognizing the voice you could see was holding back in order to not bother the attendant the moment law is done with his order he walks up to him excited as usual. law walks over to a small table luffy follows behind then sits right down with him "Hey torao!", "hello ", law takes a sip of his coffee " torao, i was reading a book and the character reminded me of you," luffy read books? He didn't seem like the type of person to read for fun, hell even for work. " you read?" , "yeah why?" ," you don't seem like the type to read." , "as a kid i hated them until i was hospitalized, they were the only thing i could do in there."

luffy had a slightly sour face law had never seen before it was the first time he had seen luffy look like this it was...more mature it lacked his childlike demeanor ," but the character i read about was this grumpy old man that was a doctor and he reminded me of you." luffy smiles going back to his normal self but it was still holding some type of bitterness, law frowns, " i'm not an old man i'm only twenty seven." , " So you are an old man." luffy says with a playful tone. Laws frown deepens," you look just like the character right now." luffy continues to tease.

"Order for luffy!",the worker shouts out loud, " that's my order i gotta go bye torao!" and with that he was gone...

It was the end of the day and law was getting ready to clock out and go to the bar with his friend when he gets a notification,

Luffy: I was wondering if you would go to the bookstore with me tomorrow ?
law : why can't you go yourself?
Luffy: it's more fun with a friend pretty pleassse. <3
Law: fine...
Luffy: yay! See you tomorrow!

Law sighs out loud, "what's up with you?" Saichi asks, " Nothing, let's just go." Saichi wraps his arm around the back of law's neck, "hey at least you're not putting up a fight lets just have fun tonight, off we go!" law was just ready to go home...

    The next morning law wakes up with a throbbing headache. He turns to check the clock, shit, he overslept. He quickly gets up changing into something simple, a turtleneck and jeans. He fixes his hair in the mirror making sure he didn't look like he just rolled out of bed even though he did. Grabs his coat running out the door.

Law pulls up to a bookstore called 'Ohara's knowledge' this was the the place luffy told him to go to. Law walks in to see a huge room filled to the brim with books of all kinds. Law looks around to see the luffy looking through the bookshelves.

He was wearing an oversized collared sweater and a pair of overalls. Law walks over tapping Luffy's shoulder. He turns around slightly startled but smiles the moment he sees law's face,
"Hey torao!", " hey." luffy grabs a book, " Lets go walk around,I have a whole list of the books I want to get and show you!" luffy grabs law's hand pulling him to different areas while grabbing different books of all kinds until they reach the non fiction area, "I have to grab some books from here for class, even though there suuuper boring."luffy groans, he lets go of law's hand and starts looking around.

Law lets out a breath he barely had any time to even look since Luffy knew exactly what he was looking for and found it immediately. Law walks around the area, and in the corner of his eye he sees a medical book about human anatomy. He pulls it out and slightly smirks, " hey torao i found the books we can- what's that torao?" , " nothing, just an old book i used to read as a kid." luffy looks at him confused, " you used to read those as a kid??", " my parents got me this for my 5th birthday.", " that doesn't seem like a gift for a five year old." ,
" I wanted to be a doctor." law remembers when he used to read it over and over again, never tired of it, especially the heart section. He'd always ask for more books about hearts reading every medical book he could get his hands on.

" So younger Torao wanted to be a doctor even back then." luffy smiles, " I bet torao was super cute as a kid, little torao running around in a little doctor's coat so adorable." luffy teases law blushes embarrassed. " I want to show you something," Luffy grabs his hand running till he stops at the kids section, colorful floor puzzle pieces made of foam, stuffed animals on the short shelves and bean bag chairs. Luffy pulls out a book that read ' pretty little bird,"this was the first book i ever read in the hospital,"luffy looked down smiling at it fondly,
"my teacher in the hospital forced me to read it. She even had to hit me on the head to get me to read it," he bitterly chuckles, " it was a book about a little bird that was gorgeous that becomes ill but teaches the younger birds till the day it withers away. Real dark for a children's book huh?" he says looking up at law with the same sour look from earlier,trying to cover it up with a smile. "You should read it some time,let's go to-" Luffy is cut off by the tugging on his pants. He looks down to see a little girl with tears in her eyes, " do you know where my mommy is?" luffy bends down to the girl's height and pats her head, " no, but we can go find her." luffy says with a gentle smile and holds out his hand. She wipes away her tears and grabs Luffy's hand.

    They walk around each area looking for her mom , " we kinda look like family right now", law blushes, him and luffy together like that ?no way,"we do not look like that.", " torao is blushing, you're totally thinking about it." luffy keeps teasing him until they reach the last area they haven't checked; they see a woman with concern on her face frantically looking around.
she turns to see law and luffy standing there and runs up to them bending down to hug the child, "jazmine! Thank goodness you're safe." the girl hugs back, "mommy!" they hold on tightly and release the woman and stands up and look at the two, " thank you so much!"

They wave goodbye walking to the front for Luffy to buy what seemed like a hundred books. They sit down at the front where people were chatting and reading. Luffy and law sit at a small table. Luffy immediately opens one of his books starting to read. Law sips on the coffee he had gotten from a little kiosk.

They sit there in comfortable silence. Law looks at Luffy's face, studying it closely. His messy straight raven hair, his long eyelashes framing his big molasses orbs focused on his book, his glossed lips gently parted hiding his perfect teeth that always shows a smile, his smooth tan skin glowing from the sunlight pouring in through the windows, his scent of flowers and honey wafted in law's nose.

Those chocolate eyes peek up from the book, law turns away quickly to pretend he was looking out the window, cheeks flushed, what in the world was he doing? Why was he so captivated by this man? Was he going insane? Luffy giggles and puts down his book , cupping his cheek leaning on it smiling " torao were you staring?" his cheeks turn pink, " i wasn't." luffy pokes law cheek ,"you totally were it's all over your face." law swats away luffy's hand, "no I wasn't" luffy shrugs his shoulders, "fine, lets just say you weren't even though you totally were." Law glares at him , luffy just giggles more, " next time we should go to the movies and you absolutely can't say no otherwise I'll keep harassing you until you agree so pretty please." law sighs, he knows luffy well enough that he would definitely do that, "fine." luffy smiles, "good." law heart skips a beat yeah he's definitely going insane.

They kept talking late into the afternoon and the first in a long time he felt ... warm inside his heart. It was like when he first met 'her' but for some reason it was different. It was more comforting, gentle and fuzzy. with her it was passion and lust. He didn't plan on having this feeling ever again, at least not so soon , he wasn't ready yet. This came in with no warning, giving him no time to prepare. He's snapped out of his thoughts , " I gotta go before my brothers start to worry."They walk outside ," bye torao!" he waves running off to his car. What is he going to do with this feeling?

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