Chapter 8- withdrawal effects

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Hey guys this warning this includes a sexual assault scene if you a triggered by this I recommend not reading this chapter

Two days, it's been two days, two long agonizing days of over thinking. What was Law supposed to do with these feelings? it was driving him mad. It was exciting but frustrating all at once. He hasn't felt this in such a long time. He was falling and it was bad.

    He walks into the break room completely enamored on his phone looking back at all his texts with luffy hoping he would text something, anything so they could talk this out but at the same time he didn't want luffy to text back too scared of what might happen, what's he gonna do if he changes his mind and says no? What if they end up dating? law blushes just thinking about it. He's startled feeling a hand on his shoulder , " hey you okay law?" Bepo asks, "yeah, you look a mess" penguin says trying to poke at laws buttons but instead of his normally snarky comments law just nods quietly , "okay now i know something's wrong a no Bepo response never happens!" Saichi says, "nothing's wrong." Law's voice comes out hoarse and tired, he gets up leaving the room without another word.

    The day seemed to move in slow motion. It was so boring just talking to patients ,filing paperwork, opening his phone hoping Luffy's notification would go off.

It was the end of the work day and law felt like a. He clocks out waving goodbye to the nurses at the front. He needs a drink, bad. He doesn't drink on weekdays but he really needed it today. He walks in ordering whiskey. The hours go by and before he knew it, it was ten. He stumbles out of the bar walking towards his car he hears noises coming from an alleyway,

    "Stop it!", "Come on now we're trying to have some fun with ya." , "let go!" Law walks to see Luffy in the alleyway pinned down by two guys holding him down. putting their disgusting hands under his shirt. letting his back touch the grimy ground. And luffy... he had tears in his eyes,,law had never seen him like that, his voice pitiful and pleading , "help."
law lost it, yanking off both of the men and punching them in the face knocking them both out.

Law bends down scooping luffy up. He rushes to his house laying luffy down gently on the couch he runs up stairs getting the first aid. As he comes down he sees luffy just laying there numbly. He's quiet the whole time Law's treating his wounds; the only sounds you could hear was the shishing of the dishwasher and the blowing of the ac ." you want a cup o-" luffy pounces on law hugging him tightly , law freezes , " it was just so scary, i just-" law hugs back with a firm but comforting manner, "i know it must've been scary" he's seen stuff like this before during his residency but its a million times more heartbreaking knowing it wasn't just anyone but luffy with that gorgeous smile that law had started to fawn over was now crying , shivering clinging onto his chest for dear life.

    They sit like that for a while letting luffy's tears fall till they dry out and even after that. Luffy had tired himself out falling asleep. Law picks him up and carries him to his guest bedroom laying him down. As heads up the stairs to go to sleep as well.

The next morning law wakes up and goes down stairs to check on luffy he creaks the door open to see luffy still asleep. He closes the door and walks to the kitchen. And starts grabbing ingredients. He's probably gonna have to cook a lot more than usual due to Luffy's appetite. He also needs to call into work and tell them he's not coming in today. Just as he's about to pull out his phone he hears the pitter patter of footsteps he looks around to see a tired luffy his clothes from the night before wrinkled up from sleeping in it. An extreme case of bed head , and puffy eyes from crying all last night

" how are you holding up?" , "I'll be fine" His voice came out horse and tired. "I'll give you a change of clothes,go get changed i'll finish cooking" law runs up the stairs grabbing a change of clothes handing them to luffy. He walks back into the kitchen cooking a rather large breakfast consisting of hashbrowns , eggs , and a hell of a lot of bacon.

Law's heart flutters as he sees luffy in his clothes. He just looks so adorable. He never wants to see luffy the way he was last night again. They sit down at the table and begin to eat luffy starts scraffing down the food law smirks a bit. At least he still had his appetite. They finish eating in comfortable does the dishes and they sit down on the couch. Law is the first to speak," so... I've been thinking about what you said last time after the theater." luffy blushes, "yeah.", "well i didn't want it to stop either, it's just that i haven't done this in a long time. '' Law's heart is beating so fast he can barely take it. "But... i could do a trial date. " law takes a breath looking directly anxiously anticipating his reply. Luffy smiles, " I think I could do that torao." they stare into each other's eyes slowly leaning in closer. Then luffy hears the ping of his phone he looks down to see a million texts from his brothers, "my brothers are stressed out i gotta go." luffy hops up running to the guest room grabbing his clothes. law and luffy stand at the door way , "bye torao I'll see you on our trial date!" luffy kissing law on the cheek and runs off. Law cups his cheek, what in the word is luffy doing to him.

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