- Tears - Part 2

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A continuation! Yippee!!

Vivianne's POV.

I put my plate away in the sink, poorly rinsing it off. Mom and Dad still arguing, but Bam's sobs has stopped. I walk to my room and I wander in. My room is clean and neat, probably the nicest rooms in the house. My stuffed animals are propped on my bed nicely. Why is that stuffed animals look so happy? Maybe they're comfortable on my bed, with the soft blankets.

"You're going insane, Vivi, they're stuffed animals." I chuckle lightly to myself. I sit on my bed and lean back against the soft pillows. My mind tells me I should sleep, but I do not feel tired whatsoever. My bed is practically calling and beckoning me to completely lay down and go to sleep. I grabbed the book I had been reading in school, might as well catch up on some chapters..

But not even reading sounds fun or in the slightest, eventful. So I let it rest against my side. I stare blankly at my walls, the light pink is the only comforting thing in my vision. I'm bored and yet so so prompted to do something, but I don't want to get up. Frankly I just want to lay down and stay there forever. I want to stay on my bed and relax forever and ever. I want this feeling to last forever, the feeling of numbness just feels better than anything.

The feeling of numbness isn't something I feel quite often. I'm always occupied with someone going on. I feel like I can tune out absolutely everything that's going on. I feel I can ignore the yelling of my parents. I can ignore that my body feels so bruised and battered. I feel a smile creep up my face. I love this feeling. I love it and I never want it to leave me. I can feel this feeling and have myself be in my dream land.

My thoughts fade rather quickly as I hear a knock on my door. The door opens and I see Bam walk in slowly. I look at her, I have no expression on my face. Bam looks terrible, her mascara is a nightmare, her face is red, and her is a tangled mess.

"...Vivi...is this a bad time?"

I thought for moment, but I shrugged, "It's...okay" I muttered, she shuts the door and lays down on my bed, wrapping her arms around me and embraces me. "I'm so sorry I acted like that." She whispered. "I didn't mean to hurt you at all...that was horrible of me.." She says. I feel odd right now, but I'm upset my feeling of numbness is gone. I don't know what to say to her. "I'm sorry I yelled, and I broke your things..and I hurt you, God Vivi I'm so so fucking sorry." She's holding back tears now, I can tell in her voice. "I'm... I'm forgiving you.." I say. It's all quiet after that, I lay there as Bam is practically holding me tightly but oddly gently.

"I'll get better."

I smile, "I'll quit the drugs, for you Vivianne and I promise I'll get better and I'll be a better sister." Bam says, I lightly chuckle again. "Promise me? Even if gets harder as you grow up, you'll get better and you'll still talk to me, even if we fight?" I say. "I won't break that promise, I swear on my life." Bam states.

It's quiet again, but it's comforting. "Mom and Dad are still arguing..at least it's not with my biological mother..heh, it'd be a mess." Bam says. "Why so?" I ask, trying to avoid getting her upset again. "She was just...unstable, emotionally unstable. She drank a ton and it was just mental abuse." Bam says, she's never open about her mother. "Mental illness runs in my family, at least on my biological mother's side." Bam sighed. "They'll stop fighting soon, let's just sleep now. We both need it." I say and Bam agreed. I let my body rest and soon enough I drifted off to sleep.

-- Chapter End --

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