XVII : Not So Secret

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13th June 2010

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13th June 2010

"Where the fuck is Irmina?" Natasha asked, walking into the room with Operator following. Maria jolted up and her hand went to her gun.

"She's fine," Maria yawned, stretching and not worrying but still couldn't believe Irmina left her side without her noticing.

"She shouldn't be moving!"

"Right, she's this way."

Maria got a few whacks from Natasha as they made their way to Irmina. They reached a room that was heavily influenced by Japanese culture but mixed with the Germans.

They found pictures, a lot of pictures and Irmina was asleep on the floor.

"See? She's fine. Have you had breakfast?"

"I did," Natasha said entering the room while Adelaide shook her head. Maria gestured for her to follow while Natasha do whatever she wants. She carefully and quietly walked to Irmina and sat, leaning against the wall. Irmina was still asleep, laying on her front while her head was buried in her arms.

God, Natasha was eased when she saw how peaceful Irmina looked.

Carefully, she moved the strands of hair blocking Irmina's face. Those blue eyes made their appearance slowly. Irmina looked around for a quick second before looking at whoever had just lightly touched her. Natasha had a soft smile on her as they both locked eyes. Irmina let out a deep breath as she felt the warmth of Natasha's hand on her arm.



"You okay?"

"Will be." Irmina groaned, turning over to face the ceiling.

"I got you some food, from that place in the town nearby."

"Smor's?" Natasha smiled with a nod while Irmina's eyes sparkle at the confirmation. Natasha helped her sit up and Irmina dragged herself to sit on Natasha's left because she noticed that the redhead, always liked to stay on her right. Irmina took a few seconds, inhaling the smell. "Thank you."

"Gotta be nice to someone on the brink of death and it's the one-year anniversary of me saving you." Irmina snorted in response, nudging her shoulder while Natasha handed her the bag of food that somehow Adelaide and Maria didn't notice. "I just got whatever they said you'd get or like."

"That's perfect." Irmina rolled her eyes in satisfaction, taking the first bite. She offered Natasha some fries and a bite, and she insisted. "It's amazing, right?"

Natasha nodded while she took some fries and Irmina took a sip of Norwegian beer. When she was able to take another sip, Natasha yanked it away from her after remembering that it was alcohol.

"You're just a normal human! Not supposed to drink."

"Hold on, you're taking away the few chances I might actually get drunk?"

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