XXVI : traitor

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a/n - no typo check, i apologise for that, im a little too tired for that and wattpad for some is too laggy

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a/n - no typo check, i apologise for that, im a little too tired for that and wattpad for some is too laggy

2nd January 2012

Director Nicholas Fury thought it was a marvelous idea to bring Captain Steve Rogers to joint training with the Navy Seals and the Kommando Spezialkräfte.

Lieutenant General König was not informed of this, as she overlooked the entire training exercise. She only knew S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to join to train with them.

At least that what they told the two forces.

Irmina had been told it is quite normal that S.H.I.E.L.D. does this to recruit their agents from everyone she worked with.

"We should have told her."

"We can't, it's against orders, Nat."

The two continue to whisper to one another despite being far away from the very disoriented Hero from the forties.

Fury thought it will be fine for Steve but completely forgot how it will be for Irmina.

Irmina was minding her own business, talking to her commandos about the the terrain as Steve having a flashback to one of the many times he and Irmina comes across one another and he somehow was unconscious but still alive.

No one could have stopped him as he rushed to Irmina and ready to put a fist on to her face.

The Lieutenant General of course stopped it with ease before her world comes crumbling down. Her chest tightened, her breathe quicken and her body visibly shaking, never moving an inch as she focused on the Captain.

Steve managed to break free from her grip, staggering back while Irmina tried her hardest to fight the war within herself. She is genetically coded to kill Steve Rogers, the one and only Captain American.

"What are you doing here, General?" Steve spat out, disgusted to see her face.

Irmina, all she wanted to do right now is to run.

"I'm not a General."

"You're SS—"

"I am Lieutenant General König of the Bundeswehr, Captain."

Irmina managed to say, trying not to show her fear but the shaky hands and breathes, everyone knew. Her commandos were there, would willingly step in against a super soldier and by the look of her eyes, she is ready to kill this man.

So is Steve ready to finish her off for once.

Irmina's internal struggle played out in her eyes, a war between revenge and forgiveness. As she looked the Agents and Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. with a mixture of betrayal and disgust before turning her attention back to the soldier displaced from his time.

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