XXX : Monster

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a/n - yes yes, i have not been punctual

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a/n - yes yes, i have not been punctual. too many assignments and tests, school is on the mission to kill me ;-; also no typo check whoopsies. 

also uh gore? trying out some stuff, trying to make this stories better. let me know if it is good or bad, dont need to hold back. also this shit is hard to edit on this app (i'm on comp), like it is so laggy and for what?

2nd September 2012

"Jesus," Irmina exclaimed as her face scared the shit out of her, being plastered on the TV. It seems like people just found about her little date with Natasha, not that it is their business anyways. Marlene chuckled, switching to another channel as they sorted through paperwork. "At least this is better than in the forties."

"How so?"

"Alan Turing, the man that decodes the encryption of German Enigma machines and yet was chemically castrated because he loved men." Irmina stated, head buried in paperwork as Marlene could see the frustration. "He was a hero and still treated like a dog because he was different."

"The forties sucks no?"

"Yeah—well, there was a war, that threatened everyone's livelihood."

Marlene chuckled, watching Irmina break into a small smile after her very small joke. It wasn't a joke that works with everyone but she doesn't exactly have great memories in the War except for some days.

"So our kids."

"What about our kids?"

"Anna have been bringing Max's grades by a long shot and they are dating."

"Yes and you have a problem?"

"No, not at all, I was thinking about your thoughts about them."

"As long as Max don't do anything stupid, I'm fine. He is a good kid, so I am not complaining."

Irmina picked up another phone call, looking out of the window to see her soldiers marching and singing a cadence. She was talking to the President about the new development she placed and also about the Memorial, which will bring all the veterans together, especially the one from World War Two.

"I'll provide with the alcohol, I know what they like," Irmina chuckled, finishing the paperwork and handing it to Marlene. A knock on the door interrupted the two of them, Irmina nodded at Marlene, allowing her to answer the door. Adelaide walked in with lunch, smirking as she surprised Marlene with another box of lunch.

"You two needs to get out of this office. I know its cosy and all, you need the base to see around and about."

Irmina chuckle softly, packing up her paperwork as Marlene pulled the chair for the Colonel. The Lieutenant General have been really wondering if she should promote the Colonel but she isn't sure if Adelaide would like to do paperwork only which would bore her to death.

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