Everyone is doing it
So you feel like an outsider
You want to do something different
Which will help you shine brighter
The glamour is so strong
That it seduces me every day
But I can't be a mediocre
I want to live the life my way
The ones who got mediocre jobs
Are shown as heroes
But I don't want to be one
As numbers in their salary has less zeroes
They don't live for themselves
I have seen dead man walking
I want to stay alive feeling the air
Enjoying every second dancing and rocking
Small victories might look big
As society show it to us
They treat those things like gifts
And make it such a big fuss
Life is for living
I don't want to be a slave
Want to change the world
Before I walk up to my grave
It still seduces me morning and night
But I try my best to resist
I won't let it win and kill me from inside
I have important things to do on my list
I respect the medicores
I just don't want to be them
I want to be special through my work
So that my name stays immortal and I become a gem