Life surprises me

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The creator of the universe

Is the greatest writer of all

The way he makes destiny change

Makes us feel invaluable and small

We don't know what will happen

One bad day and all are gone

Be ready for big life changes

As you won't be the one who always won

Luck is a funny thing

Barely anyone sees it

It's like some magical spell

Which we find hard to admit

Unexpected things happen

Shocking us to our core

We cry our eyes out

Begging not to have more

Bad happenings are common

Good luck is very rare

Still we try to find it

We believe it is somewhere

Cherish the unexpected good

Show gratitude for the blessing

It's something so uncommon

So don't stay confused and guessing

Be ready for the inevitable

Horrible things will happen

That's how our story is written

Our great destiny can't be broken

Pieces of life (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now