Help Is Not Coming

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AN:// I am so sorry, this is unedited, and has not been reviewed. So if it's messed up I do apologize, I've been working for like 3 weeks straight and I'm kind of out of it.
Third Person

Bobby and Chim:

"Hen, Alex, do you copy?" Bobby said into the comms. "This is Captain Nash for Henrietta Wilson and Alexandria Rivers, do either or you copy?"

"Cap, I think I got a visual. There's a pocket about four feet down. Can't see them though." Chim alerted him.

"Hen. Alex. Can you hear me?" Chim yelled into the opening.



"We've locked in on their GPS."

"Let me see." Bobby said.

"There's been no movement, from either of them."

"Okay, Chim. It looks like they're both about three meters deep over there. Inside that pancaked section of the garage." Bobby told him.

"If we do this wrong, we risk bringing the rest of this down on top of them." Chimney warned him.

"So, we go slow." Bobby nodded. "But not too slow. They're in there Chim."

"Roger that."

Buck and Eddie:

"That's it. You're doing great." Buck told Ali as they were making their way down the stairwell. "You've, uh, you've done this before, Haven't you?"

"Yeah. It was, uh, my major at the Rhode Island School of Design." She retorted before looking back at Buck. "Sorry. Sarcasm is my fallback for pretty much everything."

"I totally get it." Buck told her. "Our friend Alex is kind of the same way."

"I got you." Eddie told her as he braced himself at the bottom of the set of stairs.

"Okay." She said softly before pausing. "Do you think he'll still be on the sidewalk when we get down there?"

"No." Buck responded when she looked back at him. "We're not going out that side, anyways."

"Let's hustle up, you two." Eddie told them. "We don't want to be here for the next aftershock."

"Wait, what do you mean the next aftershock?" She asked looking at Eddie.

"Come on." Eddie told her, holding out his hands. She took it and moved towards him. "There you go. You're gonna be fine. He's right behind you."

"Okay." She nodded.

Eddie went down to the next landing looking down when he stops making Buck look.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." He said.

"We're not getting out this way." Eddie confirmed.

"Now what?" She asked.

Buck and Eddie both turning to look towards the upper floors, as Eddie responds. "We go back up."

"Back up?" She asked.

"Ladder 118, respond. This is Captain Nash, I need a head count." Bobby said over the comms.

"Ladder 118 responding. Diaz, Buckley, we're good, Cap." Eddie replied.

"Castillo and Jackson responding."

"Paulson, Marcus, and Riley, Responding."

"Chimney responding."

There was a pause, both of them waiting for Alex and Hen to respond. Eddie turns to Buck and they share a look as the Comms come to life again. Bobby's voice coming through.

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