New Beginnings

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"Have I ever said how much I hate hazmat suits?" I asked looking between Buck and Eddie.

"Once or twice." Buck laughed as we suited up.

"I kind of want fried chicken." I mumbled mostly to myself.

"Wanna do that for dinner?" Eddie asked with a soft smile.

"Yeah." I nodded happily. "That sounds great.".

"What are we thinking? Gas leak?" Chim asked as we all stopped just inside the doors.

"Could be some pathogen. Worlds a crazy place these days." Hen shook her head.

"Negative for combustibles as of now." Bobby alerted us. "Masks stay on for the duration."

"Where is everyone? It's too quiet." Buck asked making me think because he was right, it was too quiet.

"No idea." I replied as we continued to walk through the building.

"Got one over here." Eddie called out moving towards them. "She's got a pulse. Pupillary response... normal." His tone was surprised.

"Help! Please help!" A voice called out from down the hall. We took off down the hall as she continued to call out for help. "Please help me."

We walked into the room to see a woman on the table and it looks like she was only partially through surgery when they all collapsed.

"Oh, help me. They're crushing me." She begged.

"Okay Buck you give me a hand over here. Chimney, you check on her." Bobby spoke.

"Wha-wha-what's wrong?" She asked.

"Stop...stop...stop!" Bobby quickly told her. "Don't touch your face. Don't touch your face."

"What the...?"

"Ma'am, it just looks like the staff here just wasn't 100% done before they lost consciousness. You're still under the effects of the general anesthesia which is good. Okay, we're gonna keep you nice and numb. But I'm gonna need to put a cold compress on your face, okay?" I heard Hen talk to her as I checked over the staff on the floor.

"Is there a stitch loose?" The lady asked.

"Look, you're probably gonna feel cold, but you're not gonna feel any pain. We've got to preserve as much tissue as possible, when we travel you to a hospital." Bobby told her, as I heard rustling so I turned to see her moving to sit up.

"Tissue?" She asked sitting up where her forehead skin feel down over her eyes. "Oh, my face is off! My face is off!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Bobby tried to ease her back down.

"Same symptoms over here, Cap." I called out.

"They're sleeping like babies, but they're stable." Chim followed after me.

"They run the anesthesia lines through the walls in these places, don't they?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah." I nodded in confirmation.

"What are you thinking, a leak or a rupture?" Chim asked him.

"Yeah, then why isn't she out?" Buck asked pointing to the lady on the bed.

"Looks like she's receiving oxygen from the nasal cannula." Bobby said before getting in the radio. "Eddie you copy?"

"Yeah, cap." He replied.

"What's your status?" He asked.

"Found a couple more patients in back. Also stable." He replied.

"I'm gonna send Alex your way. You guys see if you can locate the tank supply room." Bobby informs him. "You turn anything off that's got a knob or a valve in this place."

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