Careful What You Wish For

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"Barry Johnson, 57. Seems to have had some kind of an existential crisis after lunch. Threw all of his money off the roof and then decided to jump after it. Falls 20 stories and lives." Athena told us.

"20 stories? How is that even possible?" Buck asked turning to look at her as we walked.

"We also got a few greedy bystanders with minor injuries. Not sure how you want to handle those." She pointed them out.

"That's up to the Cap." Hen told her.

"Uh, interim cap. This is just temporary until Bobby comes back." Buck corrected her.

"You keep telling yourself that, Buck." Chim told him as he walked over.

Barry groaned catching Chim's attention.

"Whoa. All right. I'll take spinal precaution." He walked over and we waited watching after him until he turned back to us. "Right, I'm the captain. Uh, Hen, Eddie, Alex, you're with him. Buck go with John triage minor injuries. And I'll get the Jaws!"

"All right, Barry. I'm gonna give you something for the pain, okay? It'll take the edge off, but you're probably still going to feel this." She told him.

"Can't you just knock me out?" He asked.

"Sorry, we need you to stay with us." I told him as he groans again.

"Compound fracture, both legs." Eddie told us as I put the neck brace on him. "Hasn't lost bowl control."

"At least I got that going for me." Barry told him.

"These are all positives, Barry." Hen told him.

"It means that your spine is probably okay." I informed him as Eddie was talking to one of the bystanders.

"Couldn't even do this right. This morphines nice, though." He commented making Hen and I share a look.

We finally got him extracted out of the car and onto a gurney and moving him towards the ambulance when Hen asked him. "Do you have anyone you need us to call?"

"My wife left me. My kids hate me. My only friend is suing me. Next time, I go headfirst." Barry told us.

"You had all that money though. Why'd you throw it out the window?" Eddie asked him intrigued by his thought process.

"That money ruined my life.  A year ago, I'd have thought it solved all my problems. Just multiplied them."

"Wait. Wait, what-what happened last year?" A lady asked him.

"I won the lottery." Barry told her.

"Careful what you wish for." Chim told her with a grin.

"First Bingo square completed." I laughed marking it off my board once we were back at the station.

"Shut up." Hen looked at me in disbelief.

"20 story jump; survives without major spinal damage." I read off my card before showing her.

"I was half joking before. But I'm dead serious now. Stop predicting the future Alex, I mean it." She pointed at me.

"I'm not! I just write crazy shit down because crazy shit happens." I shrugged.

"Shannon slow down!" I told her as I locked my car heading for the store. "Now you think you're pregnant. Have you told Eddie?"

"No." She breathed out before I heard her groan. "I don't even know what's going on between the two of us."

"Okay. First step is maybe tell him, or get a test and confirm." I offered.

"Yeah... thank you. I know you probably don't want to hear about your friends sex life with his estranged wife." She laughed.

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