Merry Ex-Mas

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AN:// I've been bouncing between editing this chapter and writing for the end of season two and the sniper episode 😭 I'm so sorry for what Alex is gonna be going through. Seeing how much shit I'm making her deal with I almost want to take out one of the season 4ish 5 traumas I have for her. I don't know what I'm gonna do.

"It's this way." The wife waved us over and we hurried to where she was pointing.

"Sir, can you move at all?" Bobby asked him.

"It hurts." He groaned.

"Okay probably a good sign but stay still." I informed him.

"Can you tell me how this happened?" Bobby continued to ask questions.

"Snowman pushed me off the roof." He replied making all of us look up.

"Blood pressure's 120/70. Respirations good." Chim told him.

"All right." Bobby nodded.

"Want us to move him over a little bit?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah." Bobby replied.

I helped Eddie roll him onto his side as Eddie checked him over. "Doesn't appear to be any spinal damage." Eddie finally spoke.

"All right. Let's get him on a backboard." Bobby announced.

"Oh, looks like the baby Jesus broke your fall." Chim said making me choke down my laughter and turn away.

"That's a Christmas miracle." Buck grinned tapping Chim on his chest.

"You guys ready?" Bobby looked at them.

We loaded him up and left.

"I'm making food, you guys want anything?" I asked as we exited the engine.

"Yes please." Buck smiled brightly at me.

"Definitely. I love your cooking." Eddie grinned.

"I could eat." Dad nodded making me giggle.

"Of course you can, especially when I'm cooking." I smiled at him.

"What are you making?" Chim asked looking up from his phone.

"Not sure yet. Gotta see what we have in the kitchen." I shrugged.

"I'll help you." Hen told me wrapping an arm
around my shoulder and steering me towards the stairs.

"So we can do something with chicken." I offered holding up the pack.

"And we have some potatoes, all kinds of vegetables." She held a few of them up making me crack a wide smile.

"I know just what to make. Let's get the potatoes cleaned, oiled up, and put in the oven." I grinned preheating the oven.

"So what are we making?" Hen asked as we worked on getting the potatoes ready.

"Something I used to make for Mateo all the time growing up. He was of course the most well behaved child, except for the fact he wouldn't eat vegetables. So I had to find ways to make it so they didn't taste like vegetables." I laughed at the memory.

"I never would have guessed that by the way he eats them now." She shook her head amused.

"I know. So a lot of experimenting happened with the vegetables until I found something he would eat. And it's still his favorite way to eat them." I pulled out the ingredients I needed.

I set the vegetables to the side and grabbed four garlic bulbs and peeled them down but left them whole and cut off a little bit of the top before placing them in a muffin tin and drizzled them with olive oil.

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