Kids Today

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"Hey Buck?" I called out as I grabbed my bag.

"What's up?" He asked walking into the kitchen.

"Breakfast is ready. I'm having dinner brought over to you, and I'll be back when my shift is over." I smiled softly at him.

"Thank you, Alex." He pulled me into a hug, and I placed a kiss on his cheek before leaving.

The alarm went off and Bobby was giving us the details. "Kid's car is moving like a runaway freight train, but they got a plan to slow him down before he crashes."

"So we're on cleanup duty?" Chim asked him.

"Not exactly." Bobby told him before we climbed into the Engine.

"They're clearing a stretch of Woodley Avenue. We'll meet them there." Bobby told us.

"How fast is he going?" Hen asked.

"105." Bobby informed her. "Once he gets to Woodley Avenue, he'll hit the brakes, hope he slows down a little. And that's where we come in."

"That's a vintage car." Chim realized.

"You worried about damaging a classic, Chim?" Eddie asked him.

"More likely worried about damaging the kid." I shook my head. "Airbags weren't standard until the 80's."

"A car that old, we're lucky it has a shoulder harness." Hen spoke making me nod in agreement.

"But if they get in down to 60 or 70 you know..." Eddie trailed off.

"I like his chances better." Chim said.

"A lot better." I exhaled.

"What kind of crazy person came up with this plan?" Hen asked.

"My wife." Bobby replied making me snicker softly.

"I love that for her." I beamed brightly.

After a few minutes Bobby spoke again. "You guys ready?"

We pulled onto the road, where we would get him to hit the truck.

"Yeah, Cap. We're ready." Eddie answered with a nod.

We started to slow down, and I took a deep breath bracing myself. We jerked from the force of the car my hand shot out and grabbed Eddie's as we held onto each other. Once we stopped, I glanced at Eddie before pulling my hand away and hurrying out to help the kid.

We got to work prying the top off so we could get the kid out and away from the car. Hen and Chim hurrying over with the stretchers, as we pulled him out of the car, and got him onto the stretcher to get checked out.

Eddie and Bobby sprayed down the car and as soon as they were done, I walked over to the car, Eddie walking over with me.

I reached down to grab the gear shift the kid had said stopped working.

"They'll be an investigation into what caused that car to malfunction." Athena told the dad.

"I'd call it a loose clutch." I told her holding it up for her to see. "It looks like the gear shift broke clean off under the boot."

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