Episode 02

15 2 5

After doing some works, when Lily got all tired she just threw herself away on the bed. But just then her head hit with a reminder of the book she just brought. She took it in her bare hands and just then that same feeling arose within her giving more goosebumps. Hesitantly she flipped the first page and started reading it.


"She was an another lonely , depressed girl willing to be disappeared from this cruel world. But nobody could predict what is up there on destiny, same goes to her as well.

So what would be happen if she be able to reach near the cherry tree waiting for her?

If someone would be able to enter through the door of the magic shop under the big cherry tree, they would be gifted by the most valuable thing they could ever have...."

Lily Pov-

"hmm... the girl seems to be just like me, good to know there are more like me (sad smile). But what is that valuable gift from that shop ?. I would find it out at next chapters anyways.."

But for the biggest surprise when Lily turned the second page, there were NOTHING. Yeah, there were nothing written on it. She quickly flipped all the pages in the book . Lily felt reactionless. How could the whole rest of this book be EMPTY? She felt curious to know about the thing inside the magic shop even though it is just an another mere story.

Lily thought to visit the book store another day again to have an another copy of the book thinking this one may have an printing mistake. But was it really a mistake?

The weekend passed by like wind and again it is time to be back.

Lily was walking to school with the same heavy heart scaring to face what would be waiting for her. She was inside the classroom early as usual so she could mind her business for sometime in peace. But it didn't lasted for a long time.

(Lily Pov)

I was walking through the hallway when many other were passing by me. My ears could hear the laughs, talks, jokes of the others around me. But the uneasy feeling coming from my stomach was eating me up. But it wasn't a pain which could be cured by painkillers. It was the loneliness. I was feeling all invisible when there were absolutely so many were present within. What could be a worst feeling than this.

The environment around me was making my heart at my throat. Everything around me was suffocating me only. All the glares, back bitings, harsh words I could feel were making my breath hard. Unlike the other days it was so hard to be there now. This was a age I always dreamed of living, but if I ever knew it'll be like this, I'll never hope to get older. I just wanted run away somewhere where no one could ever find me. So I can never be a trouble to anyone anymore. I hate it when I feeling everything is not okay because of me. I hated myself so much.

When the school finally ends I quickly ran off from that hell. I was having my worst time these days and it is becoming more and more hard for me to bear all of it alone. There were many things making me feel so weak and now I even don't have energy to let out tears.

I was slowly walking in the empty street which is being kissed by oranged sun rays feeling how empty, tired and depressed I was. I was fed up of everything and I knew don't have more energy to face for more.

So at last it reached me. My mind was only telling me to end myself so everything would be better. And even though I am gone there won't be anyone to bother about me. I was staring at the big river in front of me with an expressionless face with my hands kept on the bridge and I felt as if it was summoning me. I also only wanted to be drown in the water and meet peace. My bag fell down unknowingly and in the next second I was standing on the bridge to end everything.

When I was about to close my eyes and fall in to water I saw a very unexpectable stranger near.

"Snowball ??"

It was Ms.Lee's cat sitting on the same bridge as me licking her hands just few inches away. I got curious to see her here as I know Ms.Lee never isolates her loving cat. And I just couldn't leave Snowball here , what if she is lost? So I thought to jump in to the river after giving Snowball to Ms.Lee ( dumb dumb ikr)

When I was that about to hold snowball in my arms she ran away. I was almost fell off from bridge .But I balanced myself and got down to run after that stupid cat.


No matter how fast I run she was always one step ahead me. Running and running I finally gave up panting heavily with my sweats dropping like water. When finally my breath again became normal I looked up only to see it was even darker now. And wait I- I w-was LOST! I didn't know where I had come. And no one was near ,not even that stupid cat. I was shivering from both cold and fear. I took some steps ahead & stopped.

There was a huge tree in front of me. calming and familiar. I could recognize the tree from the scented leaves of it. It was a Cherry tree. I felt how the snowflakes flying through the air touching my bare skin. It was winter. I kept looking at the Tree in front of me blankly. I felt like my life is just like it's. Myself is hatred by me just like the dark aura around the tree and the rain drops and wet snowflakes were falling off the leaves just like how tears run through my cheeks. Everything about me and the tree made me more emotional and the regretion of not just ending my life before was creating up a black hole inside my chest. I was empty.

Then I remembered how helpless I'm right now. I don't know where to go. I only knew if I stay here more, I'll be a glazier. I was warming my hands rubbing it and I could even see my cold breath in thin air. In uneasiness, I kicked a pebble on the ground so I can at least sit there comfortably. But when the pebble made a sound I instantly looked up. There was something behind the huge branches of the cherry tree.

Shakingly, I removed the branches of the tree to see a small shop like place there. But it was not like an ordinary one. It gave a warm vibe in this cold season which made me wanted go there as soon as I can.I knew that's the only choice I got right now.

Hoping for some help I gave an knock on the door. No response. I knocked few more times but it was the same. Not knowing what to do I decided to go inside. When I rotated the door knob it opened freely letting me in.

In the blink of an eye, now I'm inside a foreign shop. I quickly roamed my eyes around the shop when I noticed someone sitting at a corner minding his work.

Lily- "H-hello"

The person looked at me and I couldn't help but to notice how angelic he looked. He was silently looking at me even tho I said Hello. So I thought to break the silence again cursing myself for stuttering.

Lily- "umm..C-can I k-know who you are?" Then he gave me a little smirk which made me frown and he told,

??- "Someone who can steal your heart" I was so surprised by his flirty behavior and now I was just regretting about entering to this unknown place. So I was about to turn back when I suddenly heard a loud voice shouting,


                                                                                                                   To be continued...

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