Episode 04

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RM- "Do you always have to do that me to huh?"

While he was saying that I turned my head around to see the kangaroo who just jumped into our conversation.

He was flashing the cutest smile I had ever seen and then he winked at us. Did he just w- WINKED? My freaking GOD. I forgot my whole existence for a mili second & got lost in that fallen angel. I just couldn't believe my eyes. My whole mind went such a blank at that moment. Is he real or a fictional character just like in books I read?

RM- "Lily"

Lily- "yeah?"

RM- "Lily, LILYYYY!"

Lily- "HUH yes yes what now?"

RM- "seriously Girl? where was you ?

Lily- "I- um.. nothing" (I quickly shrugged off my feelings & went to the normal state)

RM- "ok I guess you might haven't seen this guy right?" ( he said pointing at that cutie and I nodded curiously )

RM- "Well, he is Jeon Jungkook. He is the youngest of all of us and one of a big troublemaker & and jungkook, this is Lily"

(Then jungkook looked at me & smiled.)

Jungkook- "Hyung, Jin hyung called everyone to the dinner. Come fast I'm STARRVINGGG"

Rm- "when you are not?"

(then jungkook cutely glared at him & three of us went to the dinning table. I was hungry but I wanted to know other 3 members more)

At the dining table

Now everyone was sitting around the table and it's time to start eating. But that wasn't my state of mind. I am confused. ULTRA PRO CONFUSED. I already met four boys & now there are three more around me. In total all of them are seven okayy? And the thing is- they are confusing. All of them look same just sameee. I can't recognize them. I knew my brain had a major leak. So I was just staring into all of them trying to identify someone. Goshh this really is difficult.

??- "uh.. Lily, why are you staring at us like that?" "Is there something wrong?"

Lily- "Huh? Yea yea"

??- "and that is?

Lily- "Well I- (am I really gonna say this?) ok the thing is (Don't be this stupid Lily plz) I CAN'T IDENTIFY ANY OF YOU SEPARATELY (I said in one breath , I totally messed up, how embarrassing this is ughh)

(All of them laughed at my statement)

??- "You aren't the first one to say that LMAO"

Lily- "really?'

??- "Yes, So guys how about introducing ourselves to her"

??- " sure. Ok first of all, I'm Namjoon. I'm the leader here. We met minutes ago you remember right?" (I nodded)

??- "I'm the older brother, Kim seokjin aka WWH" (he said sending a flying kiss. Awww)

Lily- "but what is WWH?"

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