Episode 08

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I looked at him.

Lily- "A story?" He nodded.

Lily- "But... w- why you all took me here?"

Jin- "Because now you deserve to know that story Lily."

Lily- "um- ok"

I looked at the seven young boys infront of us. It doesn't seem to be that they noticed us. Perhaps they can't see us.

My heart felt an ache looking at them, but I don't know why. They kinda made me remind myself.

And then oppas started telling me a story that maybe unfolding for the first time.

"No one can ever imagine their future right? Destiny is unpredictable. It always got plot twists which no one except. It won't be always presenting sweet things we want, but also the bitter ones we hate. However, we have to accept whatever coming in our way since, when the destiny would give something, the universe got all it's intentions to make it happen.

Just like this, there were some seven young normal boys around a country who lived having no idea about what destiny would bring to them in future. They never knew about each other, not even a clue.

The boys were all alone. There were no one for them. They always felt like they're tearing apart. All of them thought, there was no one for them. They only felt unloved and insecured about their future.

But as I said destiny was magical. And truly unpredictable. As a matter of that fact, one day seven of them met each other in the most possible coincidence way ever. It was an ordinary nervous first meet for them too. They just had some few words about each other and got succeded to melt down the awkwardness somehow.

At that time there were alone. So it's better to have at least some strangers to talk rather than having none, Isn't it?"

Jin- "That is just the begin"

Lily- "I feel it (I said looking down.) What happened next?"

Before continuing Jungkookie took my hand and took me inside the bus while I was clueless. Then oppas also got inside the bus.

And next we were at somewhere like a train station. Everywhere was gloomy and and had a dark atmosphere. 

"Days, weeks, months went passing by. And the seven boys got alone and started feeling comfy with each other. They played with each other, laughed with each other, cared for each other, shared every up and down with each other , stayed together when no one was there and they truly loved each other. These seven ordinary boys could sacrifice anything for each other. They became inseperable. They built a strong connection with each other which no black magic could ever break. Unknowingly, little by little they became a small family growing up together. They were their everything."

ThenI saw some boys walking playfully on the railway. They were the same ones I sawbefore.

After we were again took to an another place by the bus

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After we were again took to an another place by the bus.

It was a BEACH SIDE!!

There was a small bus station like place and all of sat there staring a blue ocean in front of our eyes and everyone was silently breathing the air floating around with the scent of the ocean

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There was a small bus station like place and all of sat there staring a blue ocean in front of our eyes and everyone was silently breathing the air floating around with the scent of the ocean. It was a moment. I don't know how to express it. When I looked besides me I saw how my oppas were cherishing the calm environment. Their hair strands flew in the bare air. My heart smiled secretly from me when I was watching them as there is no tomorrow. I always made myself stuck in the past and forced to run to the future. But them, they made me live in the present enjoying it to the fullest. I felt loved & accepted when I'm with them. Slowly, they also had became the reason of my entire happiness.

When I was sunken in my thoughts when I again heard noises.

I looked around and saw a train. And the seven boys came out and ran towards the sea watching it together.

 And the seven boys came out and ran towards the sea watching it together

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Lily- "So what happened next?"

"One day they were hanging out on the beach in a lovely evening. Everywhere was calm & quiet since there were no one else other than them. The sky above them was a piece of art of pink colored soft clouds. The lights rays reflected by the setting sun kissed the waves of the huge ocean making it sparkle like a sky of stars. The whole horizon was nothing but just mesmerizing...

They were making soft yet cool drops of water coming in waves to touch their bare foot and make them wet.

They started talking random things. They shared funny facts about each other, cracked dad jokes, did silly things and they were a total laughing mess. Their pure laughs echoed all over the ocean which had no end to the naked eye.

When they were just laughing like some little kids, suddenly the most unimaginable scenery ever appeared in front of their very eyes.

When they were just laughing like some  little kids, suddenly the most unimaginable scenery ever appeared in front of their very eyes

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"A purple whale"

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