Episode 03

9 2 4

{Lily pov}

? – "didn't I told you not to touch my baby strawberries when I'm not around. This time you are DEAD JIMIN-SHII!!!"

Jimin- "YAHH- can you stop being such a drama king. I only ate one. Just ONE bish. Can't you even share one with your best friend. (started fake crying)

?- "ugh fine fine (dramatically rolling eyes)"

SERIOUSLY? Those two weird guys kept fighting like kids when I'm standing here with my jaw on the floor. Am I a ghost now?

Lily- "ahem – ahem" Both of them looked at me that time, FINALLY !

?- "Oh, who is this?"

Jimin- "ah.. She just came here"

?- "oh..Mind introuducing yourself?''

Lily- "I- I 'm Lily"

Jimin- "A pretty name just like you (gosh this flirting king) BTW I'm Park Jimin & this my soulmate Kim taehyung" (eye smiling)


Lily- "um..uh.. so you two are g-gay?"


Lily- "HEY- I'm sorry, it's you who told you two are soulmates."

Taehyung- "ughh unholy kid. We are just best friends"

Lily- "oh fine fine (awkward laugh). So.... what is this place?"

Jimin- "This is the....MAGIC SHOP"

Lily- "ahh'' ( wait wht- magic shop, why it sounds kinda familiar)

Taehyung- "So how did you got in here?"

Lily- "Well, I was trying catch a cat of my known but got lost . And then I saw this place under that Cherry tree. It is winter and so freaking cold outside , so I entered here. I'm really sry for coming without permission" (I said putting my head low)

Jimin- "aish, it's ok gurl. After all this is somewhere for everyone & anyone could come here" (he said eye smiling, I nodded even tho I didn't got what he meant. After all, it's a relief that now I'm not in cold)

Lily- "well.. is it only you two here?"

Taehyung- "Nah, we are all seven and we are the guardians of this magic shop"

Lily-" ohh..Btw why is this place is called 'Magic shop'?

Taehyung- "You will understand later"

Jimin- "ummm... so don't you wanna see our place and meet others?" (Why not right?)

Then they let me see inside the magic shop. It was then I looked at the whole place carefully. Only one word could to my mind. MAGICAL, everything here is magical just as the name of it. I'more than sure I never had seen somewhere beautiful and charming like this.

It had a purple vibe all around. The moon was smiling at us clearly through the huge window. And the moonlight was showering here perfectly making it moonkissed. It was heavenly mesmerizing.

Moreover, things here are far more unique than normal.

First what caught my attention was the pretty painted pictures which were hanging down on the wall. Most of them were about the nature surroundings and they were really simple but aesthetic. All I felt was the calmness when eyeing them. Moving my feet along with raw of pictures I met with something I love more than anything. A Library!

 I fell in love with it instantly. Standing around having that much books around was me making me feel relieved.

The books had kept in the shelves in a messy manner. My heart chuckled understating the clumsiness of someone who is smart. I was looking at the books there and I could not help but to take one in my hands. I wiped away some dust on the cover of the book to take a clear view. I never had seen that book before so I thought to go through some pages of it since I haven't anything to do anyway. After all I can't move on from my nerdy behavior. I went to a corner of the library and sat down with supporting my back on a book shelf.

I start reading it and some minutes passed peacefully when suddenly,


I starteld at that sound badly since I was sinked in the book. I quickly stand up to what happened. Then I saw a bundle of books fallen in to the floor and a tall man collecting them frustatingly. I went to him in a flash to help him. When I bend down he backed away shockingly.

Lily- "Ohh.. I just want to help"

??- "ah thank you (he smiled with a....cute dimple omgggg-) But umm..I had never seen you here before"

Lily- "Oh yes, I forget to tell that. I came a few moments ago accidently hehe. My name is Lily and-"

??- "Lily? Yeah I know you. Jimin and Taehyung told me about you earlier. Btw I'm Kim namjoon, but call me RM. And I am the one who is leading all the other crackheads here"

Lily- "haha, btw looks like everyone here love books"

RM- "HELL NOO! Ughh actually those kids don't like books. I'm the one who is a nerd here"

(I secretly giggled but damn! He noticed it)

RM- "Why are you giggling tho?"

Lily- "LOL now I got it. Then you are the clumsy one with a sexy brain just as I imagined haha"

(He laughed too)

Then I talked with him more and more. First I was honestly a bit nervous and scared but  now I am so comfy around him. He is a lot matured and knew a lot about this world. I only felt like childish kid near him. His words had deep meaning and I was so impressed by him even though we just met a moment ago. My urge to hear his words grew in each second passing by since they were calming and heart warming. And also I found out that we shared a lot of same passion too. What I admire most  about him in this not so long ago met is his simplicity and the obvious intelligence.

Lily- "Oppa, how can you be smart like this? I want to know your IQ so badly ? (whining)

RM- (shyly chuckling) "its 148"

(this time my jaw drop only the floor for REALLL)

Lily- "YOU HAVE A IQ OF 148???"

??- "Yes he has that, but not even the driving license yet"

To be continued...

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