Episode 10

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I woke up when I felt sunlight tickling me. I lazily woke up and found myself sleeping on a couch. But something was odd. The daily morning noises of Oppas weren't audible. It was not an easy feeling. I quickly stood up in my feet and what I noticed first was my dress. It wasn't the purple long dress I was wearing yesterday. This was the dress I was wearing the first day I came to the magic shop. I started feeling my stomach pains cuz of the nervousness. I slowly ran my daze around where I was. It was where I met jimin oppa for the first time. But he was no where to be found. So was everything I saw is just a dream?

I began to tear up. How it all could be a dream. No it couldn't be. Am I even suppose to believe this. But there were here, with me. Now where are they? Are the pranking me? With all these thoughts of disappointments I broke in to tears. Even though it's real or not I still felt my true love and my connection with them.

When I was sobbing I saw a blurry vision. I quickly wiped my tears to make it clear. I went near the table lamp which had a shape of stick with a bomb like bulb. There was a paper hung on it. I took it to my trembling hands. I unfolded it and it was a letter....

"Whenever you hate being yourself, whenever you want to disappear forever, lets's make a door into your heart. And this place will wait until you open that door. It's okay believe it,    I will comfort you..                                                                                                                                                                                                      -Magic shop!"

It was enough for me to understand everything wasn't a dream. They were with me and I know they will be with me till the end. They do believe in my galaxy. They love me for who am I truly. Maybe it wasn't a really a miracle how I found them. It must be the destiny. And for the first I'm gonna believe in my destiny.

Maybe this is the perfect time for me to go back to everything and to face everything like a brave girl. I carefully folded the letter and put it inside my pocket. I slowly reached to the door of the magic shop and when I touched the door knob, a series of flashback came running to my mind.

 I slowly reached to the door of the magic shop and when I touched the door knob, a series of flashback came running to my mind

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It would always be Joonie oppa who is my biggest inspiration. He is such a gifted human. His every comforting word, his aura, his smartness, his dimple, how he always took care and chosen his brothers without hesitation over everything, how he proved himself just like he promised and of course his clumsiness, I'll love all these things forever. For the first time I'd would have confidence to speak myself just because of him. If the world got more people like him, it gonna be a living heaven for sure.

 If the world got more people like him, it gonna be a living heaven for sure

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