Episode 06

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I was just walking around humming to a song since everyone seemed to be so busy .And just then my feet stopped at where they were since I heard something. It was a music. A slowly calming music which felt like a healing power. I walked with the melody and found where it was coming.

It was Yoongi oppa.

 He was playing the piano closing his eyes and moving his body along to the rhythm of the music

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 He was playing the piano closing his eyes and moving his body along to the rhythm of the music. I only wanted to hear it for the rest. I kept looking at him & for an instance, every vague and heavy thoughts which were weighing me down flew away. I felt the freedom.

I listened to forgetting everything happening in my life when,

Suga- "What are you doing there Lily?"

I shot opened my closed eyes feeling a little shy but he showed me a warm smile and called me near. I took slowly steps and sat on the stool beside him.

Suga- "You like it?"

Lily- (nodded) "It was really beautiful"

Suga- "Can you play it?"

Lily- "A bit but not as you"

Suga- "It's ok , Let's play together"

I got shocked instantly at his words.

Lily-"WHAT? No no"

Suga- "don't be nervous."

I hesitated for some seconds but he kept persuading me again & again. So I gave up and agreed to play the piano with him.

I put my both hands on the keys and started playing. I didn't really had an idea about what I was playing. But I felt the peace arising inside my soul while pressing the notes. I wanted more of it. I loved the sound of music which was flying in the air. I was enjoying it closing my eyes and just listening from my ears. I don't know for how long I played with him. But when I stopped my fingers , my whole soul was calmed down. I felt as if I'm reborn. I was in love with that feeling.

Lily- "Oppahh, I loved it" I said drooling and jumping over the whole thing happened just now.

He chuckled.

Lily- "How badly I wish that my life is as peaceful as this music" I said sighing and touching some piano keys.

Suga- He was silent for few seconds and said, "Just remember that life is tough & things don't always work out well, but we should be brave & go on with their lives, ok?"

I kept silent for few seconds after listening to him and I then nodded with a weak smile. But of course I was again having a war in my mind. He was correct. Totally.

I should not have been worrying about the same things happened in past and wasting my life like that. I was thinking a lot of things in a very short time and I suddenly looked at him making him coufused.

Lily- "Oppa! I have to say something"

Suga- "hm, what?"

Lily- "umm... I – I promise you that I will remember your words and do just like that" When I said it, I felt my heart soften. After a long time I gave a true smile. Hearing my words his lips also curved into a smile looking at me.

I told him a silly joke that Jin oppa cracked on me but of course Yoongi wasn't the one to laugh on these silly jokes. So I myself laughed at my joke just like Jin oppa do. But what I never expected was that when I hit yoongi oppa's shoulder while laughing he seriously hissed in pain. I got even more serious and scared at that.

Lily- "Op- oppa... w-what happened?" I asked concernly.

Suga- "It's- just nothing"

Lily- "NO. TELL ME!" I said stubbornly.

Suga- "Lily Pleas-"

Lily- "I'm not gonna back off"

Then he sighed heavily with a serious expression and again looked at me saying,

Suga- "Ok fine!"

That made me happy for sure, But of course it wasn't happy when he told what happened.

Suga- "Once I got into an accident and got my shoulder injured like this"

Lily- "I – I'm Sorry oppa. But now it is better right?"

For the greatest shock he nodded as 'no' having a sad smile on his face.

Lily- "huh? What are you even saying as NO? Didn't others took you medicine?" I asked with a highly concerned expression.

Suga- "Don't talk like that Lily. They- Aishhh.... They just don't know about this"

Lily- "WHAT? Like Seriously?, Fine then at least I should tell them"

I was about to get up & go but then he grabbed my hand to made me sit again.

Suga- "You can't do that. Listen Lily! They shouldn't know about this"

I was beyond the shock. What was he even saying? It's not like others won't care for him. They'll obviously do.

Lily- "But WHyy?"

Suga- "I can't bother them with it. They all their own problems. I can't make them worry cuz of me. Plz understand this Lily. I can bear this alone"

He said looking down. I was a lot guilty for him. Why was even thinking like that? But he got a point too. I understood. I understood that he was not like what he shows. At first sight, anyone would tell that he is a cold, savage guy. But No!

He was a lot more than it. Behind his cold face he has a warm heart. He loves his brothers a lot. More than anything. Moreover, he is a brave and a strong guy.

I still feel a lot bad. But I know I must respect his decision.

Suga- "So, you won't tell anyone right?"

Lily- (Sighed) I really want to. But No! I respect your decision oppa. I 'm not going to tell anyone"

Suga- "Really? Thank u a lot Lily!" He said showing his gummy smile. Even tho I was guilty, I also smiled at him unknowingly.

He is really strong.

When I was about to talk a few more words with him, we got disturbed by a loud shout:-


To be continued...

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