Chapter 10

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"All right! Six more tests. Then we can leave, right? Go someplace far away? Really, really far away." Eugene had just entered the room.

I was getting slightly concerned. "What happened? Did Varian-"

"Why do you want us to leave so bad?" Cassandra butts in.

"Oh, no, you can stay. In fact, it'd be great if you stayed. That way, when these things blow u... Oh, boy, never mind."

And here goes another one of Varian's great ideas. I left to go warn Quirin. I ran out of the house and beelined for where Varian's father was supposed to be.

And then the first tremor shook.

I was thrown against a tree as everyone looked around worriedly. I got back to my feet and tried to keep going.

Spurts of water burst from the ground. It was too late.

I saw Cassandra exit the house and head for Varian. Varian was out here? He was going to get himself killed!

Everything began to crumble.

When the shaking had stopped, I waited.

"Varian!" That was Quirin. "Varian, Savannah!"

I felt an arm help me up and then saw the man kneel to meet his son's eye.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"Dad, I'm sorry." The alchemist averted his eyes, ashamed.

"Not again, Varian." Quirin stood up and faced the village. "Is everybody okay?

I stood there and watched for a moment as Varian began to pick up rubble. And then, I ran to meet the princess and her friends.


"I'm sorry you didn't get those test results, Blondie," Eugene was saying when I approached them.

"I should never have kept a secret from you. From now on, no more secrets. Ever."

"Princess!" I called, approaching them.

"Oh! It's you," Rapunzel greeted, slipping off her horse. "It was Savannah, right?"

"Yes," I nodded. "Call me Ann. I...I wanted to ask...A-A rumor has been spreading through the town...saying that your hair actually grew back...and it wasn't this length when you returned to Corona. Can you tell me why." It wasn't a question in my mind. It was a request.

The princess paused, glancing between Eugene and Cassandra. Cass shook her head.

"Oh...well, I'm...not sure I can tell you that," she answered apologetically. "My father forbid me from talking about anyone."

"Oh...well...alright then," I smiled. "Thank you."

"Wait wait wait wait!" Cass burst in. "Why do you want to know, anyways?"

I faltered. "Oh, see..."

"Wait, what did your father forbid you to tell anyone?" Eugene interrupted. I silently thanked him for it.

"It's..." the princess began.

"Not important," Cassandra butt in.

"Does it have anything to do with the black, spiky rocks outside the village?" I burst out.

The two women stared at me as if I'd said a vile swear word.

"Where did you get that information?" Cass was the first to speak.

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