Chapter 33 - The Final Battle

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I reappeared on Olympus, in front of a full Olympian Council. They were arguing about who should be King, since when Zeus was snapped away, I appointed Hades. Hades was just sitting quietly, looking ready to give up the throne so he could do anything else.

"Enough!" I snapped.

They all turned to me and Hades's eyes lit up and he bowed to keep up my pretense that I had shown the Olympians. "My King," he greeted.

The rest of the council that hadn't been snapped away bowed as well.

"I am in need of your assistance," I said coldly. "The Mad Titan is attacking once again. I am lifting the laws for this period of time. You will fight for me. You will fight under those I assign you to. Am I understood?"

Those who knew who I was nodded while the rest just looked at me strangely. "Who are you?" Ares asked gruffly.

I smiled at him. "To you? A friend. To everyone here, your king and commander. Hades will remain King of Olympus. Now, arm yourselves. Most of you will be fighting under a group of powerful mortals. If I hear that you hurt or disobeyed them in any way, you will not enjoy the consequences." Most of my words were directed at the whole council.

"I will arm the Greeks," Triton said, as the Greek Camp's representative.

"And I the Romans," Bellona declared. They flashed to their respective camps.

The hunt was flashed to Olympus when the camps were. I made large portals and gestured everyone through, keeping the gods who did not betray me, and didn't know who I was, behind. Aphrodite, Hestia, Apollo, Hermes, and Ares. Triton, Thanatos, and Hades already knew. After all, they did join us for family dinners.

"Did we do something wrong?" Hestia asked politely, but with a hint of fear in her voice.

I smiled kindly at the five. "No, I just wanted to thank you." I let them see my face and chuckled when they gasped happily and gave me big hugs. "Call me Mors," I said before we walked through the portals.

I immediately have out orders to the council and demigods. Most demigods were placed under the command of an Omega, while the gods I didn't like were placed under Natasha. The gods I did like were placed directly under Nico. I knew I was just being spiteful, but I didn't necessarily care.

We charged the army, using powers and weapons to kill hundreds at a time. They just kept coming. I made my way to Spider-Man. I grew wings and flew next to him, seeing Loki fly above the battlefield a ways away.

"Peter Parker, right?" I said.

He looked over at me and grinned, his mask nowhere to be found. "Yeah! Your wings are so cool! What's your name?"

"Call me Mors, Spidey. Come on, you're sticking with me." I conjured up a mask for him. "Keep your identity hidden.

He laughed at the unintentional pun and followed me to where Carol was. She blasted someone who was about to shoot at him and he stared at her in admiration. "Hi," he said. "I'm Peter Parker."

I face palmed as Carol said, "Hey, Peter Parker." She turned to me. "What's up, Mors?"

"You seen Stark?" I asked while snapping my fingers and killing all enemies in a twenty foot radius.

She hummed in thought and shot a blast at a flying chitauri. "I think he's over there. He didn't see his kid and is trying to find him."

Peter's eyes went wide. "Mr. Stark had a kid? I was only gone five years! Why is a five year old running around on a battlefield?"

I laughed. "Come on, Spidey. We've got to get you to Stark before he thinks you're dead."

I flew up, holding him because he had nothing to web to. "There he is."

I dropped Peter off by Tony and instantly went on defense around them, letting them have their reunion.

"Hey! Holy cow!" Peter began. "You would not believe what's been going on! Do you remember when we were in space and I got all dusty? Well, I must've passed out because I woke up and you were gone! But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, 'It's been five years. Come on, they need us.' And then he started doing the yellow sparkling thing that he does all the time, and—"

Tony cut him off, his helmet plate lifting up and revealing his face as he choked out, "Oh God."

"What are you doing?" Peter asked as Tony pulled him in for a hug. After a moment of shock, he hugged him back. "Oh, this is nice."

"I've missed you so much, Kid," he said quietly, happy tears trickling down his face.

Peter looked confused. "Me?"

Tony pulled away and saw Peter's face. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you more, Pete. Let's talk after this, yeah?"

Peter nodded and I made my way back to them. "Don't worry, Tony. I'll keep him safe."

He nodded and flew off to find Thanos. I wanted so badly to go kill the grape, but I cared more for Tony and he cared for Peter. Thanos was not nearly as powerful without the stones. I knew he could take him with help. And boy did he have help. Steve, Thor, Wanda, and Hades were all fighting him as well, and with Tony's help they began to win.

Then, something shifted. I was fighting side by side with Peter, keeping an eye on Loki and the Battle with Thanos. Thanos began to fight harder and started to overpower the group. We started losing, and I was about to let my powers loose despite the risk, when a leviathan who was about to devour Rocket turned to dust. Soon, the rest of the army faded away before Thanos joined them.

I immediately knew what happened and sprinted away from the battlefield, ignoring everyone else. I found Sam lying on the floor in the Compound, unmoving, his arm burnt to a crisp with the stones held in his hand. Jamie knelt beside him, sobbing into his chest as he held him close. I rushed to his side and sank to the ground. I started to cry as well, not caring that everyone had followed me and was watching me. My son was dead.


So... thoughts?

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