Chapter 32 - Time Travel

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"So... a plan?" Natasha said as we all sat around the "meeting room" which was really just a sitting room that we had been using.

I held Loki against my chest with my arms around his waist as I sat in the armchair. I hummed absentmindedly as I rested my chin on his shoulder. "Yup. We're going to need a plan for how to get the stones. First, let's separate into teams."

"Okay," she said. "I remember you saying you were going to Vormir. Are you wanting someone to accompany you?"

I was going to decline when Tony walked in and announced he wanted to help get Peter back. "I want Tony to come with me."

He seemed surprised, as did most other people. "I would think you'd want an Omega to go," Natasha said.

"Most of my team is to go back to Valos and guard my home planet. Some may try to take advantage of my absence."

"Alright, who's going to Morag?"

"I think that the people who have already been to space should go," Nebula said. "Along with an Omega."

I waited for someone to volunteer and was not surprised to see Gamora and Jack raise their hands. "Hedera and Volta will join you. She will be helpful with her domain of Combat and he will be able to teleport you away if needed."

We continued to decide teams until we had them fully formed.

Tony and I would go to Vormir. Nebula, Rocket, Volta, and Hedera would go to Morag. Scott, Steve, Natasha, Clint, and Riptide would go to New York. Thor and Loki would go to Asgard. Everyone else would stay back and make sure nothing goes wrong at the compound.

We then finalized a plan. Clint and Natasha would get the Time Stone, Steve would get the Mind Stone, and Scott and Riptide would retrieve the Space Stone. Scott was a mastermind and planned everything out for their mission. The Morag group had a pretty simple plan. Just steal the stone before Quill. Then get out of there as fast as possible. Of course, they planned out details and such as well. Loki and Thor had a pretty easy go of it, seeing as Thor knew exactly where Jane would be and Loki could easily illusion them and knew his way around the palace. I also had it easy. Just go up to the keeper and ask for the stone.

"Now, this is a plan," I said once we had finished. I felt Loki shake slightly and I knew he was holding back a laugh at Steve's offended expression.

All that was left was to wait for the suits and time devices. They took a few months but soon we were all suiting up and getting ready to go.

I kissed Loki before pulling away, touching our foreheads together. "I love you so much," I said. "Come back to me."

He smiled. "Always."

I watched him climb into the platform, his appearance changed once more and his true identity and our relationship erased from the mortals' minds. We wore our armor, but had the same time device as the mortals around our wrists. Turns out, the ones that Tony made worked just as well for us as for the mortals.

"Great, let's go," John said, cutting off the beginnings of some patriotic speech Steve had planned. "We get the whole 'this is our chance so get it right' speech. Let's just go already."

I chuckled and we typed in our location and time. "See you soon," I whispered to Loki as I pressed the button that brought me to the right time.

Tony was next to me when I looked over. We were on a depressing red planet that was stripped of life by the curse placed on the stone. I gestured for Tony to follow me and walked in the direction of the stone.

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