Bonus Chapter #3 - A Day in the Forges

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"Hey Valdez, what're you working on?" Beckendorf asked from directly behind me.

Used to his sudden appearances by this point, I reply, unfazed, "Oh, just something Pipes requested. One of her ships won't start up, so I'm taking a look for her." I glanced up over the engine to see him looking only slightly interested.

"You almost done? The batch of valonite just came in and I've got to make the armor and weapons for Gamora and Loki. I could use a hand."

I smiled and set aside the wrench. "Lemme guess, it's no fun without Bad Boy Supreme? Let me just clean up and I'll meet you in the forge. The ship can wait."

He shrugged noncommittally—which I took as a firm yes—and went off to the forge to get things ready.

I went about tidying up my shop, which was an auto repair shop for space ships. Because aliens are real. Wow, even after all these years it's still incredible. Anyway, I tucked a few things into my handy dandy tool belt that was gifted to me by Beck, and headed to my room to change into more suitable clothing, as I was currently wearing my work uniform.

I changed into a white, long sleeved shirt (though I rolled up the sleeves) and a pair of brown pants and my suspenders and tool belt. It was my usual outfit when I wasn't at my shop or on a mission.

As I walked to the forge, I let my thoughts wander. Where has Percy been? I haven't seen him in nearly a week. I dismissed the worry. He could care for himself just fine. Loki seems like the type of person to craft his own weapons... I'll bring that up with Beck. Maybe he'll let Loki in to work on it with us. Beckendorf was basically King of the Forge. Only Percy dared to go against him when it came to the forge. Not even Chaos had been brave enough. No one was allowed in or out without Beck's permission. Access was restricted with a card scanner and each section had a whole new check point to pass through.

I reached the first check point and scanned my key card, which I kept in my tool belt. It beeped softly and granted me access. I had to go through several more check points before I got to the Omega's private area. Beck was already there, sorting through the valonite to find suitable pieces.

"Need help?" I asked, walking up behind him and glancing over his shoulder.

He glanced over at me and moved aside to make room for me on the bench without a word. This was how we usually worked. He wasn't a big talker, so I usually chatted a bunch while we worked and he just listened quietly. We didn't need to talk about the work because we knew the next step and what was needed.

While we sorted, I rambled about a big project idea I had. Despite his silence, I could see a glimmer of interest in his fiery eyes.

Once we had gotten a reasonable amount of valonite, we moved to the furnace and began smelting. I finished telling Beck about my idea and moved on to our current project. "Loki seems like the type to craft his own weapons, don't ya think?" I mentioned.

He hummed in affirmation.

"So wouldn't crafting him weapons be a waste of time? Why don't we just invite him to help?"

He tilted his head to the side as he thought. "I believe," he began, "that Loki would not appreciate our help. We need only provide him with the valonite. Armor and a cloak, however, are more likely to be out of his depth and we should make those for him."

I nodded. It made sense. Loki was a sorcerer, not a blacksmith. He may make his own staffs and weapons, infusing them with magic, as many sorcerers do, but he wouldn't know how to make armor.

I took over making Gamora's armor while Beck made Loki's. I knew that she would be able to change the style and colors at a later date, due to the enchantments we cast during the forging process. Despite this, I aimed to make it look intimidating and to match her style. If she didn't change it much, then I would know I did a good job.

After I had finished with the armor, I glanced over to see Beck putting the final touches on Loki's. It was both regal and intimidating, much like Loki himself. Being raised in a royal family, he was the perfect gentleman, but, once angered, he would not hesitate to rip out one's throat.

I thought back to the weapons I had seen Gamora use when watching her training under Commander Zepha. She was most skilled with a sword and definitely preferred that to the other weapons. Still, she didn't seem to appreciate the swords provided as well as any other swordsperson.

I wonder why, I thought. I turned to Beck. "Be right back," I said and slipped out towards Commander Zepha's common area, where Gamora was sure to be.

Once there, I bumped into Commander Zepha herself. "Oh!" she exclaimed when she realized who she had bumped into. "I'm so sorry, Sire." Despite the constant efforts of everyone on the team, Zepha treated Omegas like royalty. She was raised on a planet that was ruled by a cold-hearted king and escaped to Valos, where she got a job as a servant. Piper had taken an interest in her after a few months and had taught her to fight. Not long after, the two began secretly dating and Zepha joined the Air Force, working her way up the ranks quickly. Now, a year later, she was a high-ranking commander.

I was fairly sure that Percy was the only one oblivious to their relationship. He was, after all, who they were hiding from. I didn't know why, but I thought that perhaps it was because telling Percy would make it real, and her last real relationship failed. So, not telling her best friend would keep it from being real and then she wouldn't lose Zepha, the girl she had fallen for.

"Zepha," I greeted kindly. "How has your day been?"

"It has been good, Sire. It's date night, so Piper and I went out for dinner to this lovely restaurant on the far side of the city." Zepha smiled happily.

"That's wonderful," I said, though I was surprised at the time. I had lost track when with Beck in forge. It had been four days already. "Would you happen to know where I could find Gamora?"

Zepha tilted her head to the side. "The newest recruit in my division? Sure. She's training right now. I swear, that girl never stops."

I thanked her and continued on my way after a polite farewell.

I found Gamora in Zepha's training room, right where she said she'd be.

After a short conversation about her preferred weapons, I discovered that her former swords were retractable and lighter than the swords provided. Since she was used to them, the others just never felt quite right. I got some information about the other weapons she often used before heading back to the forge to begin working on her swords.

Beck was already working on a set of throwing knives for her, so I got to work as well.

I made the molds while the valonite melted. Then I poured it into the molds and waited for it to cool. Valonite is a lighter metal than the swords she had been given, so that fulfilled one requirement. After the metal had cooled, I began to hammer them each into shape, then fitted the pieces together to make two retractable swords. The blades would retract into the hilt, which I bound in black leather, as well as purple gems.

Finally, I sharpened the blade before setting it beside her armor and the weapons that Beck had made while I was gone.

We were done. It might have taken a week, but we were finally done, and they looked perfect. 



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