Nick & Neil - Special Chapter 7

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//What the fuck are you doing? // Day yelled out loud enough for Nick to hear. This caused him to pause a bit.

"Hey!! You two! What's that noise?" Nick shouted.

//Noisy // Day shouted back to Nick almost immediately.

"Oh! Shit... Ugh," Nick tried to yell back, but Neil's strong hand covered his mouth before he could.

"Lie still," Neil said. Nick removed Neil's hand from his mouth.

"Well, I'm worried about my friend. Your friend is not like the Chongkhao villagers," Nick grumbled, but didn't shout anymore questions because he heard the noises from Itt's tent were now silent.

"Don't worry about your friend. I think your friend is used to it," Neil said jokingly. Nick wrinkled his nose slightly before staring blankly at Neil.

"What are you looking at?" Neil asked.

"Who's looking at you? I'm looking around the tent," Nick said, averting his gaze.

"Nick, even though it's dark in the tent, I can still see your twinkling eyes clearly. Don't overreact," Neil said because that's exactly what he saw. The tent may be dimly lit, but he could clearly see the glow in Nick's eyes.

"And can't I look?" Nick shyness was showing now that he couldn't deny it.

"You can look, but I want to know, why were you looking at me?" Neil tried to ask again. Nick was a little flustered.

"You said you and me were dating, right?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Neil replied, thinking Nick had something else on his mind.

"I just want to remind you that I'm a very jealous type of person. I don't like other people messing with what's mine, you know. I am telling you this, just in case you change your mind," Nick said in a hesitant voice. Neil smiled slightly.

"Umm... I think it's good for you to know that I am not much different from you. Maybe even more so. Prepare to die, little bastard," Neil said in a deep voice.

"I know," Nick replied feeling a sense of relief in his heart to hear Neil said this.

"I'm threatening you here. So, why are you smiling?" Neil teased, causing Nick to accidentally smile. He immediately stopped smiling.

"Who's smiling? Damn it, your eyes aren't that good," Nick made a blatant excuse.

"Oh... short bastard... I saw your teeth. They were so bright in the dark. You don't know? You're stupid," Neil said before he heard Ball ask Itt to go out and drink coffee with his group, but Itt refused to go back.

"Where are you going, shorty?" Neil asked when he saw Nick try to stand up.

"I will go have coffee with Ball's group. Are you coming?" Nick said before being pulled back by Neil to lie down.

"You don't have to be nosy. Are you going to go out and find that soft faced guy named Kit?" Neil said in a deep voice.

"I'm going out to get some coffee," Nick argued back.

"No, you don't have to go out and drink coffee now. You won't be able to sleep. You can go to sleep," Neil said, pulling Nick into a hug. The small figure squirmed and struggled for a moment before agreeing to stay still. He knew, even if he tried to get away, he wouldn't be able to.

"I haven't thought about going to see him at all," Nick said softly.

"Huh, I'm sure you want to die. I saw him sitting next to you. He was practically begging for you. The fact that I didn't kick him in the face was a blessing to him," Neil said.

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