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Craig's P.O.V

"She's on her way, Craig"

I nodded and I couldn't process anything

The fear was kicking in...it didn't hit me until now, my leg started taping excessively into the ground

I feared this would happen who wouldn't I'm nervous about what she would think of me

I know...she wouldn't approve

I've been nothing but a disappointment to her, I'm trying so hard to be a better person

A better son

The only reason I act out of character or my anger lingering is because I'm so disappointed in myself

It's not right but...I just don't know what to do

Tweek help me avoid that

He doesn't know that because I'm not ready to speak about it


I jolted up and the nurse looked at me concerned

"...sorry, umm is she here?"

"Yes-there she comes"

Steps were heard, they weren't rushed but smooth and slow

You could tell she wasn't worried or surprised

I'm more surprised she even showed up, her last school visit was middle school so I'm used to not seeing her come

As I looked at the ground and the steps finally stop I sighed

"...what happened this time?"

"Oh, I'm just fine Mom don't worry I didn't even get hurt thanks for asking...ha I got in a fight"

"Nothing new Craig, how did the fight happen is what I'm asking"

I rolled my eyes and my eyes met her pierce-glaring ones

"...to put it frankly I got jumped by one of the teammates"

Please don't ask. Please. Please. Please

"What did you do this time because if I know my son o-so-well he always starts the fight"


"I...I didn't start it, Mom, not this time"

"Then why are you telling me this other student beat you up for no fucking reason"

The nurse once again stepped out and I was drenched being alone with my mother

"It's...it's complicated"

A long disappointing sigh was heard

"Stand up Craig, and tell me exactly what happened or..."

"Or what?"

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