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Tweek's P.O.V

"No... Sadly we aren't. . . Yet"

Those words kept playing in my mind

What is Craig planning on doing with me

Ugh this is to much pressure

I quickly raise my hand

"What is it tweek?"

"May I g-go to the r-restroom"

"Go ahead but hurry up"

"Y-yes ma'am"

I slowly got up and head out in the hallways

I let out a sigh

I didn't want to be in class

I started to walk but right when I turn

I bump into somebody

I had almost fallen backwards

But I felt two hands wrap around my waist

I yelp


"Sorry about that by the way, glad to see you again"


I had pushed him and started to speed walk away from him


I ignore him and kept going

"Hey, don't you wanna talk to me, and can you stop walking fast?"

"N-no and s-stay away f-from me!?"

"Sorry but I can't do that"

I was angry at this point

I mean he's one popular kid, shouldn't I be happy his talking to me


I had seen my class I was finally almost there

I was going to reach for the handle

Until I had gotten yank back

And I landed on Craig's chest

"Nope your not going to class yet"

"L-let go of m-me!?"

He was holding my wrist and dragging me to who knows where

"Stop fighting back tweek I just wanna have a normal fucking conversation with you"

"Well t-to bad y-your not g-getting one, now c-can you l-let go!?!"

I was struggling to get out of his grip

But he was struggling too

So if I keep this up he might give up


I was cut off by him now grabbing both my wrist


"C-Craig let ME GO!!!"

"NO so stop fighting and let's talk outside"

Yup his going to get us in trouble

He's bad for my life

"Jesus C-Christ t-that could wait!?!"

Finally, he let go of me

"Wait really, alright that's a promise so wait for me after school"

"N-no that's n-not wh-"

I didn't finish my sentence and he ran away

'Oh god he's just so. . . UGH!?!'

I'm gonna be in so much trouble

I quickly ran off to class

(Time skip to the end of school)

"I'll see you tomorrow tweek"

"Alright bye b-butters"

I smile and I exit the school

I was ready to just go home

"What took you so long?"


I kept walking until I made it to the sidewalk

He put his hand around my shoulder

"So where we headed to?"

"There's n-no 'we' now leave me alone"

"Don't be like that Oh almost forgot I got something for you"

He let go of me to get something out his backpack

This is the first time I'm saying this

But his weird

Is this the actual Craig tucker

"Here I got you a gift"

He gave me a small key chain

It was a navy blue circle and had a green crystal in the middle

This made me blushed

"Why a-are you d-doing all of this??"

"Because I found you different and unique so can we at least be friends?"

I pushed his hand away

I didn't want the gift

It's too much

"O-okay we can b-be friends but not the g-gift"

He looked sad but smirk

"Alright I'll give it to you when we're something more"

"What d-do you m-mean by t-"

I got cut off by him giving me a hug

He whispered in my ear

"Figure out yourself"

He then let go of me and walked away while giving me a goodbye wave

I stood there once again looking confused


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