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Craig's P.O.V

During class my mind was confused

'What happened to him?'

I was questioning myself until I felt a poke in my back

I turned around to face Clyde

"What do you want dumbass?"

I whispered to him

He snickered

"Rude~ but what's up with you, I can sense that's something troubling you?"

"It's nothing I just have stuff in my mind"

"Like what?"

"Your really annoying aren't ya, it can't be help it's about Tweek"

His experience change when I mentioned him

And I had never seen it before

The bell rang and we both got up

I swung my bag over my shoulder

"Tweek Tweak the one your crushing on right"

I punched his shoulder playfully

And nob

"Yeah what's it to you?"

We both exit the class and headed towards outside

"How is that pipsqueak even interesting?"

"Hey don't call him that cause I'll rip your throat out, and his interesting to me so it doesn't matter for your opinion"

We were now outside and sitting in a bench near the school doors

To wait for Token

I took my phone from out my pocket

And the first thing I do is text Tweek

Me: Come meet me outside the school entrance

It hadn't taken long for him to respond back

And he had agreed so I put my phone away to wait for Tweek and of course Token

But right when I looked up Token had appeared in front of us

"Alright Guys Sorry to take long I had to deal with my girlfriend but let's get going"

Clyde was the first to get up but I stayed still

"Sorry can you guys wait for just a while Tweeks coming with us today"

Token agreed with it but Clyde had only stayed silent

But I didn't bother to ask

We had only waited for 2 minutes before Tweek showed up

"Hah...I'm s-sorry did I m-make you wait long?"

He was panting hard and I stood up to ruffle his hair

"Don't worry about it your fine anyways I hadn't really introduced you to my friends"

I moved out of his way to let him see behind me

"I'm Token Black nice to meet you"

They both smiled to each other and shook there hands together

Until Clyde had stood in front of Tweek

And I never have seen Tweek so scared if that's what's he even feeling

He had been frozen

"Oh we meet again Tweek"

Clyde had been the one to break the silence

"Wait you guys met each other already?"

"Of course we're practically buddies right Tweek"

Tweek stood still and looked down


I shoved Clyde away and put my hand over Tweeks shoulder

"Stop being such an ass Clyde anyways let's get going"

Token nob and pulled Clydes ear

While we headed towards Token car

"Geez Clyde stop being a little brat"

"Ow ow how am I being a brat Token!?!"

I snicker but felt a tug from my jacket

I looked at Tweek but forgetting he was really close to me

Our noses touched

I saw Tweek face flushed full red and pulled away from me

"Shit...my bad"

I scratched the back of my head and blushed just a little

"N-no it's f-fine b-but Craig..."

"Yeah what's up?"

We had finally got to Token car being a Lamborghini Veneno

And him being Rich got him that expensive car

I waited for an answer from Tweek

But it seems like he waited for both Token and Clyde to get in the car

"I t-think I should g-go walk"

"Why is something wrong...we're going to get some food and then we'll drop you off, it's a promise"

He shook his head and turn away from me

"I j-just have to g-go home"

"Okay it's fine so Let me tell Token to drop you o-"

"NO-I...I just have to go"

I was surprised by his outburst

He proceeded to walk away but I snatched his wrist

And he stopped

"I'll walk with you..."

"N-no Craig look I n-need some time a-alone"

I then understood and sigh deeply

"Alright I understand but be careful on your way home"

"I w-will so don't worry about m-me"

I then let go of his wrist and he walked away

I got inside the vehicle and slumped down in the seat

"Huh, what happened to Tweek ?"

Token had asked being concerned

"He isn't feeling very good and wants to be alone for the time being"

I looked out the window and Token stared up the car

"That's a bummer he seems to be such a good guy that I'll like to get to know him better "

I agreed with Token and closed my eye's

"Yeah, I'll like to know him better in every which way~"

Clyde's voice sounded very different and my eye's flicker open

"What do you mean by that Clyde..."

He chuckled

"Nothing I was just joking I don't find him appealing"

I growl with anger

"Better be like that cause that one is mine!"

Token then interrupted us by giving us the glared but keeping his eyes on the road

"He was just joking Craig but Clyde don't make those comments again...It kinda seems like you were serious dude"

'And for sure it did sound serious but I might be imagining things why would Clyde want him, he himself said he's not interested and he knows I like him...I don't have to worry about it right.....?'

To be continued.....

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