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Craig's P.O.V

Should I get the anti-eyebrow piercing next? maybe Tweek would come with me if I go

I smiled at myself and tap my pencil on the desk

I had one AirPod listening to Rosemary but also trying to pay attention to class

I hate this fucking class because I'm a loner I'm usually not but  since I outed myself people don't talk to me anymore or eye me weirdly

I sighed and look at the front at the old man teaching us statistics

This class didn't have individual desks but a table instead each was placed somewhere

So me having a whole ass table in the back in the corner was fucking pathetic

I decided to pop my phone out and just bother my boyfriend

Hey...what class are you in right now?:)

My honey

Craig focus on class! I'm in English so text me after school!

Why >:( I miss u

I groaned because after I send that he didn't respond giving me the hint to fuck off

I sighed...maybe I should bother the group chat

Scratch that I'll just pay attention

Time goes slow when you're bored as fuck

Wait...what? I watch people among themselves passing a crumbled-up paper and laughing at each other it suddenly landed on my table

I was beyond confused and bothered by it only because I kept hearing their snickering but then stopped as I slowly open the paper up


It was all written up on this tiny piece of crumbled-up paper

I've never been bullied like this in my lifetime...I guess only when I had braces but only my friends made fun of me nobody else

So this, this was the first time I'm getting bullied

I clench my jaw and gripped the paper in my hand

Don't...don't fucking do it, Craig, you can't fight anymore it's not the way to solve it

Please...no, I closed my eyes ready to rip everyone fucking heads off in this room solely because they act like sheep following one another

They were fucking dick riding me not even a month ago because I was among the best-known guy but now since I came out as gay I'm labeled as a fucking showcase loser



I need to fight or scream or throw a whole chair at them but I can't

But I have this urge to fight because I feel threatened

Think...Think of something that calms me down

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