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Tweek's P.O.V

I couldn't stop thinking about it

'Why Is he with her?'

I shake my head and pulled my hair

I might just be overthinking the situation

But.....what if I'm not wrong

I bit my bottom lip and raised my hand immediately

The teacher knew what I was gonna ask because she nodded

And I got up and rushed towards the bathroom

When I got there I slam the stall door shut

I slid against the stall door until I hit the ground

I gritted my teeth and Pulled my hair more

'Im so dumb! Why did I have to say that?!'

I heard the door open and i stayed silent so they wouldn't hear me

I heard footsteps.....Two people

"Fuck dude, I wish i could be with a hot girl like Bebe ugh, do you think she's with that guy Craig?"

"I don't even know but I heard rumors that they are,but want it as a secret!"

"No way.....but do you think one of them has an actual relationship but is cheating on them since they wanted there relationship in the low??"

"Dude that's sick...I mean that's a good ide-"

I opened the stall door open and quietly went to the sink to wash my hands quickly

I felt the two boys stare at me but i couldn't careless, not anymore

I felt Lost

I then left and walked towards the exit

'Less problems for me then, this is for the best...'

(Time had skip to lunch!)

I sat at my usual table and drank my coffee bit by bit

I twitch more then normal but that's fine

"Hey kiddo Craig Tucker was looking for you"

My head snapped up and saw Damien while he sat across from me

"Oh.....is t-that so?"

He looked at me confused but grumble afterwards

"I'm just telling ya since the guy kept asking people but anyways where the fuck is pip?!"

I chuckled a little and shrugged

He then laid his head down

'Craig...looking for me yeah right!'

"Damien and Tweek, Hello!"

I smiled softly seeing pip walking towards us with a lunchbox

Then came Butters surprisingly without Kenny

We had chatted a while and my mind had forgotten my problems for once

"Shouldn't we go shopping for our costumes this Saturday guys it'll be so much fun!"

"B-Butters Halloween is until n-next month!"

"OH your right heh I got a little ahead but we- uh Hey Craig what brings you here?"

I got startled by the sudden hand grip in my shoulder

I felt nervous and turned my head towards him

"Sorry but can I barrow this guy here?"

I looked into Butters eyes hoping he'll help me out of this situation

"Well uh Umh the thing is he-"

"Yes you can fucking take him,now scram you guys are getting quite annoying to my amusement!"

I glared at Damien while I was dragged away by Craig

A few minutes had passed and we had been in the bathroom

'I didn't know what to say?! Should I apologize?! Should I confront him about Bebe?!'

"Hey....about yesterday....I wanted to apologize about my shitty attitude I think I understand what I did wrong now, I went out of line and I'm to blame fo-"

"NO! It's my fault t-too, I was j-just scared...and c-confused in a way...but it's not all y-your fault!"

I bursted and looked at his surprise face

I looked away in embarrassment

Until I felt his rough hand touch my chin to lift my face up

"How about we just go back to normal and go have some coffee after school?"

I smiled at the idea and nodded slowly

He chuckled and put his hands inside his pockets

"Alright glad that's out of the way, we should head back since the bell is about to ring in a minute or two"


"Uhm-Craig I w-wanted to A-Ask y-"

The bell rung and filled the hallways with the sound of it

"Ah- what was that Tweek?"

"N-nothing...I'm j-just glad we're b-back to our normal s-selves!"

He chuckled while people scattered around to there classrooms

"Yeah me too....anyways I'll see you after school got it!"

He then walk away and I watched him until he flip people off

I turned around chuckling

'Maybe I shouldn't ask....'

I'm just glad we became friends again

I walked to my next class with a huge smile in my face

I felt so relief and sat in the back of the classroom

Then my mind wonder from yesterday

When he kissed,Touch and caress me

It felt like I was special

He had touched me so gently but so rough like he wanted me

I felt my cheeks becoming warm

"Oh Hey~ Tweek you look a little pink there"

I was surprised someone had talk to me since nobody ever does in this class

I turned my eye's towards the person

"Oh....H-Hey Bebe..."

I gulped while she smiled at me and fluttered her eyelashes

"Oh Don't be so scared of me jeez~ I just wanted to talk with ya!"

I bit my thumb nail

"I'm n-not scared j-just surprise i-is all...b-but what do y-you want to talk about?"

She pouted in a weird way

"I just wanted to ask some small questions....about Craig"

'I knew it.....'

To be continued......

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