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Tweeks P.O.V

"S-sure but I d-don't know much about h-him..."

I felt nervous and sad in a way

I felt worse when she scan my body while hearing her giggle

"That's okay, So is Craig the clingy type?"

'I kne-wait what?!'

"W-what d-d-do you mean??"

She chuckled and admired her nails

"Silly does like Craig cuddle with you? Oh my god is Craig that type of person!?"

I felt flustered and my face heated up

Until the teacher scolded her for being to loud and talking during his lesson

"We'll talk more after class okay, I'm just so curious"

She whispered towards me

'What In the world is she talking about?!'

(Class ended)

"Tweek,Okay now spill the tea! How did you guys get together start from the beginning!"

I had been still confused until I heard those words


I felt my cheeks flushed with warmth

I shook my head immediately and started freaking out

"W-we aren't t-together!!!"

Bebe looked a bit surprised until she huffed

"Are you serious?...Ugh that asshole is such a liar!"

I then paused and looked at her confused

She took noticed and smiled at me warmly

"Figures he didn't tell you....but let's keep this a secret, what I'm about to tell you, okay?"

I nodded while feeling more comfortable around her

"So basically Craig fucking Tucker asked me for advice early in the morning about Dates and what couples do to make each other happy and whatever, of course being a friend for him I gave him the advice but in return I wanted to know who it was he was trying so hard to get!"

I felt butterflies coming up for some reason

"And w-what he say?"

She giggled but then it turned into a pig laughter

It was very amusing

"Well of course he said you! I was a bit surprised he was very serious about it and as a joke I said your cute and of course you are Tweek! But that's not the point he got so overprotective and claim you as his boyfriend!"

I hide my smiled but shake my head

I blushed even more

"Sorry Bebe I j-just can't believe h-he said t-that"

She smiled warmly at me

"Look Craig can be a jerk sometimes but I think you should consider him Tweek, his really serious about you!"

I felt even more relief and calm that she said that

"T-thanks Bebe"

The bell rang and I looked at the half empty halls

"No problem, I think you might just save him from all his troubles, Cya later Tweek!"

I nodded in return and walk to my class

'Save him?'

Craig's P.O.V

I growled while I looked at the piece of paper in front of me

Yes of course I was at school and in Math class

And I had an assignment to do

But instead I'm here struggling on ideas to make Tweek fall for me

I crossed out a plan I had in mind and laid my head down

This was harder then it looks

I sighed loudly, forgetting where I was for a split second

"Mr.Tucker if you're that bored in this class why don't you solve this problem?"

I groaned and stood up immediately

While I walk to the front, I looked at the equation

And it clicked fast

I started to filled in the answer

And I simply smirk

"Pretty much done....don't underestimate me Mrs. White"


The bell rung loudly and I walked away from everyone shocked faces

The teachers face was much more memorable

I was so caught up in the moment, that I didn't notice I've pass my class

I was intentionally going to head back towards my class until I caught such a beautiful sight from around the corner

My feet or should I say my body couldn't stop the urge to speed walk to him

I think he had noticed me walking towards him

Because he looked around his surroundings nervously and his grip around his books change

"Tweekers....where may you be heading to?"

I stopped by his side walking along side him

"Ack-To c-class of course where e-else will I go..?"

I chuckled and I grab his hand twirling him around

He looked so scared and his books dropped in the ground

I was now in front of him, holding onto his waist

"On a date with me~"

It was the blush of roses that was visible in his cheeks

"W-Date?!W-with me?!,wait wait right n-now?!"

I started to laughed

'Woah another laugh I never knew I had'

"Yes you! Saturday at 3 and don't worry I'll come pick you up now-"

I kissed his cheek and whispered to his ear

"Go to class before your late Tweekers"

He pushed me away and I stumble back a bit

But I kept smiling

He immediately picked up his books and stomped away

But I only kept staring at him while biting my lip

The second bell rung meaning I'm late

'Ah fuck I should've said today, I already miss him....'

To be continued.....

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