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Tweek's P.O.V

"Summer is approaching you know what that means you guys are becoming seniors next year so we need to start thinking about college and keeping up with grades!"

I started munching on the tip of the eraser of my pencil

This is giving me a lot of pressure...the future

It's hard to think of what I should do..where to apply and so on...it feels like my mind is swirling with pencil lines across each other fizzing up

I know I'm scared when those old fears run through my head when I can't choose where to pursue

"By the end of this week please have one college pick out and apply for one scholarship! Alright now let's begin class"

Everyone chatted after the teacher said that...I just fiddled with my pencil and looked at the paper in front of me

'One college...?'

My eyebrows scrunched solely because I couldn't think of one

But my ears also couldn't help but overhear whispers

"Hey...I heard that Tolkien is having another party!"

That caught my attention...another party? Already?!

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I immediately took it out

I smiled...and opened the message

Party at the end of the school year...want to be my date? :)

Hm...So they are making one...god popular people or I guess teens love parties

That's funny, a bunch of girls are discussing that right now...

Oh? Tweek is into gossip (_)

Oh yes, how'd you figure I love hearing what a bunch of girls yap about, especially on how they threw a period pad on a girl's face! >:)

God girls are evil! Please don't throw a bloody pad on my handsome face

...no promises?

Ouch...soooo party?

I'll think about it ya? I still have a month

...or do you want to go on a date with me?

I couldn't help but smile and just think about us having our date no drama or anything

I thought about it...I prefer that but I don't want to seem like a party pooper

If you want to go to the party...I'll suck it up and we can go yeah?

I'll see you at lunch.

Ok I'll see you then

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