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Tweek P.O.V

(Next day~)

My alarm had gone off

I didn't need it though I was already awake

I turn it off and sigh softly

I got up and went to the restroom to go through my morning routine

I didn't text Craig at all like I said he's just gonna mess around and leave me

And his bad influence

I want a normal, quiet and simple life

"Honey hurry I'm taking you to school"

"Coming m-mom"

I hurried and grabbed my bag and ran downstairs to grab my coffee

'if I don't text him it won't matter he'll find someone else to mess around with so my win'

I smile

I hurried to my mom's car and we drove to school

It was a quiet ride but I like it

She dropped me off and I went inside the school

I went to the cafeteria to wait for some of my friends

Yes I have friends just a few

While I waited I took out my book and started reading

It was a great book the name of it is s-

"Hey you know I was waiting for your text and I hate waiting so give me your phone N.O.W"

I gave out a yelp and took my phone out as fast as I can and gave it to the person


It was Craig

He had a devilish smile in his face like he completed something

And he was really close


I blushed and waited

"Here now I got your number memorized and you have my number in there so you'll be expecting a text from me~"

He gave me my phone back

He got up and put his hands in his pockets

But before he left he got really close to my face

My eyes widened and I was scared

But the only thing I felt where warm lips in my cheek

And he was gone

I was left breathless

"Heya twee- Woah what happened with you, your really red are you sick??"

I waited for a moment

"Y-yes I'm s-sick of s-someone getting r-ready to r-ruined my life gah"

"Huh umm...alright then we shall get heading to class so come on"

I nod at butters and we went to class

We sat on are assigned seats and I had forgotten

I grab my phone and look at my contacts

I didn't see his name but I did see a new one

It left me embarrassed about the name and laugh a little


What was he thinking in putting such a name

I didn't have time to change it so I'll do it later

The teacher had begun his lesson

And I put my phone away

'Simple life'



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