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Tweek's P.O.V

'I can't believe I'm going on a date with Craig Tucker!'

I started to feel butterflies and my heart was pounding

It was such a weird feeling

But I have to wait two more days

Until Saturday since it's a Thursday

'Am I falling for him....?'

Maybe giving love a try, wouldn't be so bad

I smiled and sighed deeply wanting to see Craig again


"Wait wait so you officially admit that you have a crush on c-"

"NO!-I m-mean it's-well I'm j-ju-UGH fine y-yes I l-like him...."

I pouted and looked away from Butters

"Woah...now was that hard?"

I heard Kenny now chime in

I blushed, feeling embarrassed and immediately punched his shoulder

He faked being hurt and hugged Butters

"Buttercup he hit me!"

Butters then sigh deeply and shakes his head

"Ken! Come on you're not a child anymore"

I giggled and smiled while looking at them have there small argument well it wasn't an argument at all

We were all heading to my parents coffee shop since I had to work today and help out

But Craig had texted me earlier saying he'll come visit me after the earlier accident in the bathroom

I smiled just thinking about him and my cheeks became warm

"Buttercup I think Tweek is in love then just a simple crush~"

I then shot my head up and glare at him

"S-shut up!"

I heard Butters giggle and looked at me

"I'm going to agree with my boyfriend on this one Tweek...I think it's more then a crush!"


I walked to many tables taking orders and walked back

Until such a handsome guy came in and sat to the furthest table beside the window

Only him alone

I walk slowly towards the table

"What a surprise...y-you alone?"

His dark ocean eyes slowly looked at me, up and down

His lips turned into a smirk and he nodded slowly

"Yeah all alone...I didn't want to bring anyone, I just want some time to myself for right now"

His deep voice had always sent shivers down my spine

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