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Craig's P.O.V

"...so no kisses?"

His nose scrunched and his eyes squinted at me in such a way that tells me to stop fucking around

I smiled I just couldn't help but admire his face


Such a low whisper but as I reached toward the back of his head I tried bringing his face closer to mine but his palm landed on my lips

He stopped me


Oh ya...detention better hurry the fuck up and be over

I nodded at him and went back to sitting down comfortably

We had only 10 minutes left before we could leave

...misery at least I had him alongside me

I sighed and looked at the bald teacher who was reading his book, he had us watch some Ted Talk video earlier but that soon ended after an hour

As my eyes roamed around the library looking at each corner and admiring the dusty books and crusty walls

That is until I felt my shoulder being tapped by a cane?

I turned around slightly and noticed Michael passing me a folded paper

I crooked my eyebrow in a questioning look and opened it

His...number was written down I was about to crumble it until I saw what was written under it

'I need some sort of advice...in this odd relationship thing'

I looked back at him again and nodded while putting the paper in my pocket

Does he need relationship advice?....with a girl or

Oh shit...a guy?

Whatever I'll text him later

"Alright that's it detention is over see you guys tomorrow now scram!"

Everyone immediately got up including me

"Come on honey, I'll drop you off"

Tweek smiled up at me as he put away his book in his backpack and got up

I grab his bag out of his shoulder and hold it for him and with my spare one I Inter-winded our hands Together

His face was the blush of roses, that peek of champagne pink.

The colour-infused cheeks dimpled with the blossoming smile and his eyes shone in a way that only deep happiness can bring.

I always fell for that and right now...I just want to take him

"O-...ACK ok"

"Bye, I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

We heard Bebe yell at us as we walked outside the building

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