Chapter 1

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-3rd person's point of view-

June Saturday Afternoon- Summer 1973

Y/n speed walked down the sidewalk towards Michael's house smiling and can't wait to see her best friend a few moments later she arrived at Michael's front door and knocked gently on the door before stepping back waiting patiently for someone to open it.

Sometime later the door opened revealing michael who had a grin on his face pulling Y/n into a warm hug and spinning her around while Y/n giggled making Michael's grin get bigger at the sound. He put her back down on her feet still having his arms wrapped around her.

"Y/n I'm so glad you're here I've been so bored while waiting for you, now we can have fun let's go to my room I have something to show you," said Michael smiling while turning and leading both of them into the house

"Lead the way Mikey," said Y/n grinning and pinching his cheek softly

Y/n smirked to herself before running out of Michaels's arms to his room. Him immediately following after.

"Last one there is a rotten egg," said Y/n looking back before turning forward again

She knew Michael was fast but she hoped she could beat him this time at least this once. She could feel Michael behind her his hand reaching to grab her shoulder but Y/n tripped making her knock his room door open both of them fell onto the floor, she landed on her stomach and Michael on her back his hands falling on both sides of her while his crotch rested on her behind, Michael jolted at the friction he moved from off of her giggling before helping her up off the ground. Michael Tried to calm himself down while Y/n got up from the ground turning to face him.

"Well wasn't expecting that I guess you're the rotten egg by default," said Y/n smirking at him hands on her hips her head tilted to the side

Michael smiled back at her taking in her beauty and how cutely she looked at him he invited her over to ask her to be his girlfriend that's why he saved up and bought a beautiful necklace for her.

"Y/n can you close your eyes for me, please," said Michael

She looked at him with a raised brow then closed her eyes which Michael made sure they were closed. before walking over to his dresser opening it pulling out a small rectangular box that said 'Michael & Y/n forever' walking over behind Y/n taking out the necklace unlocking it then, wrapping it around her neck which made her gasp at the cool metal against her skin than he hooked it again.

"Alright girl you can open them again," said Michael

Y/n looked down seeing the necklace and reading it made her face heat up a little while smiling harder, before turning to Michael again hugging him tightly her head resting on his shoulder he embraced her back tightly, burying his face in her hair and inhaling her scent without her noticing.

Y/n looked down seeing the necklace and reading it made her face heat up a little while smiling harder, before turning to Michael again hugging him tightly her head resting on his shoulder he embraced her back tightly, burying his face in her hair...

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(imagine this is Michael and Y/n)

"Y/n there is something I wanted to tell you," said Michael still holding her tight

"Yeah Michael," said Y/n

"W-would y-you like to be my girlfriend?" said Michael stuttering a little waiting for an answer

She froze not expecting Michael to say that of course Michael was handsome and all but he could date any girl he wanted why her she thought. Michael may have taken her a long time to respond as a sign of rejection cause he tightens his hold.

"Look I get if you don't want to date me but we can still be best friends Please don't dislike me now," said Michael

"Michael I could never dislike you or hate you, I'm just shocked is all I never thought you would want to date someone like me there are so many other girls prettier and better who would date you why me," said Y/n looking up at him now

Michaels's eyebrows rose in shock at what she said how could such a gorgeous girl thinks she was not worthy of being with him if anything he didn't deserve her, she was so much more humble and funny also kind and soft-spoken she was worth so much more then, those other girls who just want one thing from him and his brother's sex and money, but Michael never paid attention to those girls only Y/n who was a bright shining star in his life bringing him joy and true happiness. even on those cloudy days when he's feeling down or bad because of Joseph or just because it's one of those days Y/n made him happy and his heart skips a beat every time he sees her or even when thinks about her.

"Y/n you're so much more beautiful than those other girls not only on the outside but on the inside as well they're selfish and your funny, smart, humble, and kind also very caring and helpful to those who you don't know and those who are mean to you, always putting them before yourself. Every time I see you my heart skips a beat or even when I think about you, you are my whole world girl a beautiful shining star in my life that's why Id love to call you my girl if you'll have me" said Michael sincerely looking deeply into her eyes smiling at her gently with his slightly watery

A few tears slid down her cheeks at Michaels's confession giggling while smiling and wiping away her tears.

"Oh Michael I never knew that's how you felt about me and yes I'd love to date and call you my boyfriend," said Y/n

Michael leaned in towards her face placing his lips on hers they fit together like puzzle pieces, her lips were so soft and smooth she tasted like strawberries kissed her harder, hungrily attacking her lips until she pushed him away gently needing to breathe again.

"Sorry sweetheart I got carried away there," said Michael

"I could tell baby you almost took my lips off," said Y/n she froze at calling him the pet name

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you that," said Y/n

"It's fine girl I liked it you're my girlfriend now and that's what couples do," said Michael kissing her forehead

Y/n boldly leaned up pecking him on the lips before resting her head on his shoulder again.

This was going well Michael finally had her as his girl they would do all sorts of things together going to amusement parks and restaurants for dates then, they would end up making love and losing each other's virginity to each other than getting married and having a lot of kids with a big house.

If anyone got in the way of their relationship Michael would make them regret it she was his and nobody would get in the way of their happiness.

: This is my first Michael Jackson story so I hope you all enjoy it.

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