Imagine; Jackson 5 /Off The Wall Era #3

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-3rd person point of view-

Summary: Y/n and Michael are in a relationship but Y/n ends up pregnant with his baby and runs away scared of his reaction.

-Y/n's apartment- 1976

Y/n sat on her toilet holding a pregnancy test seeing the two lines meant she was pregnant

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Y/n sat on her toilet holding a pregnancy test seeing the two lines meant she was pregnant. Y/n felt tears following down her cheeks because she was only 18 years old having the baby wasn't the problem cause she always wanted kids but, then her mind went to Michael and how would he react to the news of Y/n being pregnant with his child.

The more she thought about Michael and he didn't have time for a kid with his career constantly keeping him on the road. Y/n just broke down the whole situation was stressful for her, Y/n only cried this much when her parents died leaving behind their money and belongings to Y/n since she was the only child.

She thought about telling Michael but the fear of rejection and his not wanting anything to do with the baby kept her from doing so, of course, she loved Michael with every fiber of her being. he was sweet and caring taking her on romantic dates and spoiling her with expensive gifts and flowers, treating Y/n like a princess there were times when he could get a little controlling and possessive but this didn't bother Y/n she ignored it, and saw more of the good than bad.

Y/n made her mind up that she wouldn't tell Michael as she got up and walked out of the restroom. Y/n knew that she was gonna keep the baby, but she also knew that Michael loved his fans and music which was his second love and that a baby would ruin his image and may give him more problems than he already has. Y/n decided to just leave packing her bags and leave go somewhere far away, she had the funds from her parents to move into a nice big house.

The young girl pulled out her bags and put clothes inside before looking over and seeing a picture, of her and Michael's arms wrapped around each other smiling with her kissing his cheek.

(imagine this is Y/n and Michael instead)

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(imagine this is Y/n and Michael instead)

Y/n eyes watered and a small tear fell down her cheek as she held a small sad smile as she packed up.

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