Chapter 3

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3rd person's point of view

Thursday morning- Hayvenhurst 1973⚠️ Mild Smut⚠️

The sound of rain hitting the outside of the house and thunder made Y/n wake up out of her sleep. Her eyes slowly fluttered open she Yawned and stretched her limbs then she turned over to see Michael still asleep. She admired him his arm rested over his stomach and his head turned into the pillow the cover knocked off his body onto her side his slightly muscular lean body moving with each breath he took. Y/n looked lower seeing his morning wood her eyes widen she didn't know Michael was that big she had an idea when she felt his crotch pressed against her.

She suddenly smirked getting an idea of course she wasn't ready for sex yet but she could still have a little fun. Y/n moved over to Michael sitting on top of him leaning down and kissing him on the lips and his nose, knowing how his brothers and Joseph picked on him because of it she loved his nose and all of him then kissed his cheeks and forehead also his eyelids. Slowly moved down to his neck kissing gently all around moving lower, kissing his shoulders and chest then his stomach her fingers softly slide across his sides and stomach, where he had to be sensitive cause his hips moved slightly up and his breath stuttered slightly.

She kissed all the way back up again until she pecked him on the lips again only jumping when hands grabbed her waist and pulled her directly on top of his erection.
Michael kissed Y/n back waking up to the feeling of her kisses. He rolled them over now on top of her taking in her beauty.

"Good morning My Love," said Y/n softly

"Good morning baby," said Michael in a raspy soft voice

Y/n looked up at him admiring every one of his features his big Bambi eyes filled with love and admiration every time he looked at her, the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly when he was concentrating on something, and how his soft and plump lips were curved into a smile every time they talked to each other also making his dimples show then, the way his jawline and cheekbones were becoming more defined as he got older turning into a young man.

"You're so handsome, Michael," said Y/n looking at him intimately

Michael blushed at her praise turning his head away slightly, making Y/n turn his head back toward her leaning in for a kiss and making Michael do the same Until their lips met again passionately. The kiss turned more lustful and greedy their tongues swirling together tasting each other breaking away catching their breath.

"I know you said you weren't ready for sex but we can still mess around a little bit, I need you girl, that's okay with you," said Michael

She nodded her head after thinking about it. Michael smiled and started kissing all over her neck while bringing his hips down to meet her panty-covered core then grinding his clothed member against her slowly both releasing a sigh at the friction. The young Jackson rolled his hips into her moaning at the sensation while burying his face in her shoulder and silencing his moans, Y/n used her hand to cover her mouth from moaning too loud she never felt this feeling before from her lower parts.

"Don't cover your mouth I want to hear those pretty sounds your making," said Michael thrusting his hips faster

"F-Fuck't stop," said Y/n

Y/n felt something curl in her stomach slowly getting tighter and her privates getting wetter at the feeling of Michael's member rubbing directly between her bottom lips, she felt like she was about to pee trying to stop Michael by pushing him by his shoulders but pulled him closer instead, Y/n's back arched as she released squeezing her eyes closed seeing white behind her eyelids. Michael followed soon after coming inside his underwear hips stuttering against her before stopping. Lying down on top of her.

After they came down from their high he rolled onto his back beside her still breathing heavily.

"I never felt anything like that before," said Y/n looking over at her lover

"Yeah me neither, that was Amazing I can imagine when we start making love it'll be even better," said Michael holding her hand

The girl chuckled nodding her head agreeing.

"It was amazing but I feel all sweaty and dirty I think we need to take a shower," said Y/n having a disgusted face at how dirty she felt

"I agree it's uncomfortable in these underwear but you want to shower together or separately which I wouldn't mind showering together," said Michael raising a brow and smirking

"Michael you're so bad if we shower together we won't be able to shower so separately babe," said Y/n
Getting up out of bed walking into his bathroom

Michael watched her walk away and heard the shower turn on before getting up to get Y/n something to wear after her shower. He was happy to make Y/n have her first orgasm and be the one to bring her pleasure and he would be the only one. She was his soulmate the girl who could make Michael feel like he was flying on cloud nine every time that Y/n was around him. She was his number-one priority and the second was his music. Michael hoped Joseph hasn't found out yet knowing he'd try to split them up cause he did the same with his brothers, but Michael would never leave his girl, and no matter what Joseph would do any hit or bruise he'd give Michael would be worth it for her and if Joseph touched Y/n Michael would deal with him.

The young Jackson wasn't afraid to hit that man back if it meant he could be with Y/n and keep her safe Michael would do it. Snapped from his thoughts by the sound of knocking at his door he threw on some pajama pants and a shirt. Heading over to the door unlocking it and opening the door seeing his mother.

"Good Morning Mother," said Michael smiling at her

"Good Morning sweetheart I was just coming up here to tell you that breakfast was ready and you and Y/n could come and eat," said Katherine

"Alright we will be down there," said Michael

His mother nodded her head before walking away making Michael close his door again, waking in the bathroom and seeing Y/n brushing her teeth with a towel wrapped around her body.

"I left the water running so you might want to hurry up and shower before the water gets cold," said Y/n while rinsing her mouth out

Michael got undressed again lowering his boxers and stepping out of them, Y/n turned seeing Michael fully nude making her blush at the sight and quickly leaving out of the bathroom. Michael giggled at her and got inside the shower.

"𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰'𝒎 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒐" (𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞!𝐌𝐉 𝐱 𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now